Chapter 103 ~Part 2

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Chapter 104~ Part 2

Luke: After we dropped the kids off at Austin and Tiffany's, Kenley took a shower, so I had time to get everything ready for tonight. I heard the water shut off as I laid out the last candle. "Luke will you bring me clothes?" "Yeah baby." I grabbed a skirt that I think she calls Maxi? Yeah I don't know... Then I took her the shirt she usually wears with it. I walked in and she was wrapped in a towel. "Here ya go baby." "Thank you Luke." I looked her over and blushed. "You're not nervous to touch me Luke, are you? After all these years I imagined you jumping me or something..." "Jumping you? I respect you too much." "Stop it. You can't deny you've thought about it..." "I have but that doesn't change what I just said..." She dropped her towel and laughed. "Do it. I dare you." I bit my lip and held onto my word. "Luke I can see your boner." "Tease." I laughed then walked off. "Luther you remember last time you walked away from me?" "I got a good ass whooping." "Yeah I beat your sorry butt at mud wrestling." She was fully clothed then looked around. "Is all this for tonight?" "Yeah. But I have more." She kissed me then we headed downstairs. "What's for supper Mr. Anniversary?" "Ribs. They're on the grill as we speak." "Why don't you cook more often?" "Your food's pretty good." We sat out on the deck for a while, while our food cooked. "Luke, do you want more kids after this baby?" "Four is gonna be a handful for you while I'm on the road, would you want anymore?" "I don't know, I love being pregnant and having babies around the house but I like working too. And you're right, four is gonna be a handful." "If you wanna have one more I'm okay with that and if you don't that's fine with me too. But just cause we aren't having babies doesn't mean I'm gonna stop making love to my wonderful wife." "I'd hope that you wouldn't stop." She winked then laid her head against my chest. "I love this Luke." "I love it too." We talked for another hour until the meat was pretty tender and ready to eat. I brought in the ribs and plated them for us then cooked some corn and put some peach cobbler in a bowl. "Aww your mom is so nice Luke." "What do ya mean?" "It was nice of her to let you take credit for her peach cobbler." I smiled. "How'd you know?" "You don't bake." I laughed. "Just eat your food." She laughed then started eating. When we had both finished we were both stuffed. I put in the Notebook, knowing it was one of Kenley's favorite movies, and sat down with her on the couch. "Wow Luke, are you willing to risk your man card for watching the Notebook?" "If its for you, yes." I smiled then pulled Kenley closer. "Best anniversary yet." I smiled then kissed her.

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