Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Kenley: *next day* I woke up in the back of Luke's truck under horse blankets. Luke was still sound asleep so I decided to wake him up. I hovered over top of him and gently kissed his lips. He kissed back and then flipped on top of me. He leaned off then told me good morning. "Luke, we forgot to get the boys." "Oh well. We'll get them later." He continued to kiss me and you could tell he wanted to take it further. I stopped kissing him and turned my head so he'd stop. Luke sighed and then got off of me. "Luke what did we do last night?" "We ate supper at mama's and then looked at the stars until we fell asleep." "That's it?" "Well there was a heated makeout session." I winked at him then kissed his cheek. "Well I'm gonna go take a shower at your mom's." "Nah I'll hose you off." "That's cute Luke but I'll go shower." I got up and grabbed my clothes then started walking to the house and Luke followed me. He rested his hand on my butt then when we got up to the door he smacked my butt really hard. I went to smack his, but LeClaire came out and pulled us inside. "Um Mama Bryan I was wondering if I could use your shower?" "Why? Did Luke get too rough last night?" Luke and I both blushed and Luke wiped his forehead. "Sure honey. There's a shower in Luke's old room." I started walking down the hallway when Luke slapped my butt even harder than before. I blushed even though no one could see me. I ran into his old room and shut the door then got undressed and went to take my shower. I started the water and got in. About two minutes later I heard a knock on the door. "Busy." "Babe that's okay. I need a shower too. Can I join?" "Luke you've already embarrassed me a few times today. Just wait." "But baby." "Whatever." I finished actually washing, because Luke actually understood I needed a shower. When I was done he came in and joined me. "Luke you really embarrassed me in front of your mom." "I'm sorry baby." He started kissing my neck. "Luke that really hurt my feelings. Your mom probably thinks the only reason I like you is because of sex." "I'm sorry baby." He started rubbing me. I pushed him away. "Luke you're not even listening." He backed away and looked sad. "I'm sorry Kenley. I just really want you." "Luke I'm done. This is exactly why I didn't want to have sex with you." I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel. Luke came after me but he didn't put anything on. "Luke just put some clothes on." He pulled off my towel. "So should you." He smacked my butt and tried to kiss my neck. "Luke stop. I just wanna go home." He backed away from me and put on a pair of boxers. I put on my outfit then Luke attacked me. "Luke get off." He started rubbing me through my shorts and sucked on my neck. I just laid there until he started unbuttoning my shorts. I was ready to give up fighting against him but then someone knocked on the door. "Luke, I have lunch ready if you two wanna come eat." "Kay. Thanks mama." He continued to pull my pants down. "Stop Luke." He continued and gently put himself in me. Then he started thrusting pretty fast and hard. When he got done we laid next to each other and put the other half of our clothes back on. I got up and felt really stiff."Luke it hurts." "Yeah...sorry." I got up and we walked to the kitchen. I had a wobble in my step so Luke put me on his back so his mom wouldn't notice. "Luke take Kenley off your back. She may hurt but that don't mean she can't move. And next time you do it here, just tell me. I'll do something romantic for ya."


Caught again!

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