Chapter 95

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Chapter 95

Kenley: *two hours later*

Everyone left from the reception and Luke and I just got to the hotel. "So, Mrs. Bryan, how's it feel to be married?" "Amazing Mr. Bryan." We kissed then stepped into the hotel room. "Luke, I know that I said we might do something... But baby, I'm super tired and I sorta want to wait for our honeymoon..." He wrapped his arms around me then kissed my forehead. "I don't want to put a rush on anything and make you uncomfortable. So whenever you're ready, so am I." I smiled then grabbed yoga pants and one of Luke's concert tshirts he gave me. Luke put on jeans and an old GSU shirt. I packed up both of our bags then stacked them by the door. We laid down for a little bit then went down to the parking lot and returned Luke's truck to the rental company then got a cab to the airport. Leclaire and Joslin packaged all of our wedding gifts and had them sent to our house so that when we got back home we could open our gifts. We boarded the plane and Luke wrapped his arms around me as I curled up against him. "I love you baby girl." "I love you too babe." We kissed then the plane took off. Luke plugged in his headphones to his phone and we listened to his playlist the whole flight.

*three hours later*

Our plane just landed and we got to see the tail end of the sunset while flying. Luke and I walked over to baggage claim and grabbed our bags then we went out to our cab. The cab took us to our little hut that we rented on the shore. Luke planned this whole honeymoon I just picked the place. "So luther, you did good for our second engagement... What are ya doing for our honeymoon?" "You'll have to see now wontcha?" He winked then Luke helped me put of the car. We grabbed all our stuff then headed to the door. Luke unlocked it then opened it. I stepped inside and it smelled amazing. "See Ken? We HAVE to get one of those really good candles!" I laughed then walked into the bedroom. I dropped everything I was holding and my jaw dropped. There were dried starfish laying on the bed with white rose petals. There was an amazing ocean view looking off of the bed. The whole room was basically windows. If you opened one of them it took you out onto the porch. I sat down on the bed and just stared at the ocean. Luke walked in and sat behind me. "This view is amazing Luke." "I knew you'd like it." I turned and looked at him. "But honestly I like my view..." He kissed me then smiled. "I look like crap Luke." "Oh. Well." He smirked then jumped up. "Hey Ken, you up for a snack?" "Luke it's four in the morning..." "Your point is?" I laughed then followed him to the kitchen. "Can we live here? It's beautiful." "I know something that is more beautiful that this..." "Luke, I really like your cheesy pick up lines but, you've already got me so can we just eat?" He laughed then pulled me up onto the counter. "Looks like we got either bagel bites or mozzarella sticks..." "Hmm... Bagel bites?" "Sounds good to me." He kissed my forehead then stuck them in the oven and started the timer. He scooped me up and ran us back to the bedroom. We walked out onto the porch and there was a hot tub built into the floorboards. "Hey baby, get your swimsuit on." Luke followed me inside and we both changed into our suits then the timer went off so we put the bagel bites on a plate and took them out to the porch with us. I got into the hot tub first and sat down on one of the steps. Luke sat next to me on another step. He grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. "I haven't been this relaxed in forever." Luke leaned over and kissed me then sat on my lap. Yes, Luke sat on my lap... Haha. I started laughing at the thought of him on me. "Luke, my bagel bites are getting cold..." He got off and pulled the plate closer. Once we ate them all we slid the plate over and I sunk down in the water so that it was at my neck. We sat in the hot tub for about an hour until I got tired. "Hey Lukey, you ready?" He smirked then beat me out of the hot tub. He practically pulled me into the bedroom and ran back out to shut off the hot tub. "Luther, go into the bedroom and lay down and I'll be in, in a bit okay?" He nodded his head then kissed my neck. I grabbed the Victoria's Secret bag out of my suitcase then headed to the bathroom. I changed into a white lingerie set that was practically see through and was really lacy. I pulled my hair down and fixed it just right then slowly opened the door. Luke was sitting on the edge of the bed with his tie and his boxers on. I shut all the lights off then lit three candles. Once I set the last one down I walked over to Luke and stood in between his legs. I wrapped one leg around his waist then started tugging on his tie as I slowly kissed his neck. "Mmm... Kenleyyyy...." I leaned away from his neck and got off of him. He kept trying to grab me but I just pushed his hand away. I grabbed the ends of his hair and kissed him. I leaned away then rubbed my fingers around the band on his boxers. I kept kissing him and I bit his bottom lip. I slowly slid off his boxers. Luke gasped into the kiss then shoved his tongue into my mouth. I leaned out and twirled the tie. "Kenley, you're killing me." I gently kissed his lips. I ran my hands up and down his chest. "Hmm... Luke? Will you unsnap that?" I turned around then scooted myself up completely to him. He started moving the slightest bit so I could feel his member moving against my back. Once he unsnapped the straps I slid down the top just enough to make my boobs pop out without them actually out. I grabbed Luke's tie and pulled his face in the direction of my boobs. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. "Luther... I'm trying to be nice, do do want me to be nice?" "No baby, I want you naughty." He smirked then licked his lips. (You know where this is going...)


What do you think they're gonna do on their honeymoon??

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