Secrets Vilkas x Y/n

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Y/n POV,

The cries from the battlefield haunt my dreams but it doesn't help that I have dragons swimming in my soul looking for a way to escape. Every time I close my eyes, I see the battlefield laid out in front of me. The dragons roaring and yearning to escape their end. The battlefield soaked with the blood of my dead brethren and patrons. The void calls me to end my misery but I decline its offer for my soul and I wake up living once again.

I wake up soaked in sweat from another nightmare from my best friend Odahviing. Visions cloak my identity of my past, for I am not joor nor am I dovah but I am Dovahkiin. My housecarl Lydia walks in my home and welcomes me back to the reality of things. "Y/n, you need to get out and be social. Join a group, I heard that the Companions are looking for more warriors." I stumble out of bed and slip into my leather armor and pull my dragon priest mask over my face. I grab a bag of gold with the amount of 2000 because I might as well as get some goods while I am out.

The bright sun burns my eyes with the sudden light. It takes a few moments to adjust, but I walk into the market as I hide my identity from the human eyes. My steps clink and clank from my gold and jewels hitting each other in my satchel. My dadric weapons move around as each step gets larger and faster. I finally get to the market and it is still very early so only one or two stalls open. I get some apples and walk to Jorravskr to find a battle happening between a Dark Elf and a Nord. I walk down the stairs to find a young Nordic man walking around the hall and looking as if he is troubled. I could tell by the smell of him that he also has nightmares at night so he doesn't get much sleep. That word... It brings back memories of my past. Sleep... My eyes close for the night to come but it is haunted by visions that fill my dreams and I wake up in cold sweat. The Dov roar and yearn to come out and dominate the world into its old havoc before the war ended. My sight regains and I see the Nordic man waving his hand in my face. The man was very muscular but deep down in his soul, I could tell that he wouldn't hurt a fly unless it provoked him and his family. "Oh...ya sorry, I am Y/n... Can I join the Companions?" I shyly look up and he just stares at my mask. "Oh... Um, I am not the one for you to ask that, for I am Farkas and you would need to talk to Kodlak.

I walk away with a small glimpse of hope seeping through my wall that I call a face/mask. I walk into a room and someone that looked just like Farkas was talking to some older guy. The guy that looks like Farkas, I can tell he has even more restless nights with nightmares. I can tell that we would knock heads with our opinions so we will get along very nicely after a while. "Um, I am sorry to interrupt this talk but can I join the Companions?" The older guy sits up and leans closer to get a better look at me. "I am Kodlak Greymane and this here is Vilkas. You seem you can handle yourself-" "Master, you can't be serious to recruit her, for I have never even heard of this woman." "Vilkas, sometimes the famous come to us, and sometimes they are here to seek their Fame. The last I checked we had some extra beds for her to stay in. Miss... Do you think you can handle in a fight?" "Oh yea... I am Y/n, I have much to learn." Though I am the Dragonborn, so I don't know what they can teach me that I don't know about. "Vilkas take this woman out to the courtyard and test her swing." I don't wait for Vilkas to get up because I just want to hurry up and get this over with so I can go to sleep.

The bright sun blinds me once more when I open the doors. The fresh breeze fills my lungs and fills it with memories of my past. The wind blows and leaves dance around. Vilkas walks outside and the wind blows his short mid shoulder hair into his face. I decide to mess with him by sneaking up behind him and jab my fingers into his side. "Ah!! By the nine that hurt!" Vilkas straightens his back out as I roll my way to the courtyard. After about a minute of Vilkas standing there, he finally arrives in me but he has a slight yellow rather than his baby blue eyes. My eyes that are showing are e/c and he sees them change to a maroon (unless that is your color then it changes to whatever color you want.)

He glares at me then he unsheathed his sword and I immediately start swinging with steady hits and knocking him back. I snicker and walk away but Vilkas grabs my shoulder and hands me his sword. "I ain't your maid Vilkas so I ain't going to that blacksmith up there," I say as my mask beings to smoke and my eyes turn to a bright green with silver outlines. He shoves his sword into my hands and he says, "You will go up there and take my sword to that blacksmith, now do I make myself clear." A part of me broke when he said that. "Y-y-ye-yes, I-i-'ll do it now," I say holding back tears.

A week or two later and I haven't arrived at Jorravskr after I had completed my trial. I couldn't stop thinking of Farkas and him being a werewolf. I already knew but I am still in shock. I am walking around Whiterun just thinking to myself. Vilkas rushes out of Jorravskr once he realized that I was back. I could see hurt in his eyes.

Ehhhhhh.... I guess it is ok. It isn't exactly what I had in mind but eh.

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