City Time Khayla x Male! Nord

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Y/n Pov,

I hop off my horse to head into the city. I see some of the city wenches eyeing me. I tilt my imaginary hat at them as I walk by. I see Ri'saad sitting in his tent. Khayla could be seen trying to walk close to the city gates but failing by the guards. I walk over to my friend Ri'saad to sell off my junk and buy a few potions.

"Hey, Khayla! Want some help into the city?"

"This one doesn't need a nord's help to help into the city!"

I only snicker at her comment while walking past her and grabbing her hand closer into the city.

"Hey, guard!"

"Yes, Dragonborn?"

"Let this woman into the city!"

"But Dragonborn, she is a thief. Those cats residing outside the city are nothing but thieves and murders. No will not enter the city."

I wave my hand in the guards face to us my magic on him.

"You will let this kind woman into the city."

"Why yes Dragonborn."

The guard escorted Khayla and me into the city.

"See Khayla, all of them are dumbasses. You actually don't need to use magic. Just assert yourself as if you belong and they will do whatever you telling them. I actually learned that from a woman named Ahzira."

"Oh, this one knows Ahzira! But why pass-off as the Dragonborn?"

"Well, you know how this land is racist? Well, they don't like the fact that they have to admit that a Khajiit saved all of Skyrim. So with me being a random person and a Nord as well; Everyone elected that I was the one who saved the world. Instead of a Khajiit."

"This one believes that is stupid, but Khayla understands it. Is Ahzira fine with the idea of you taking the name Dragonborn?"

"Yes, plus no one even remembers who or what the dragonborn even is or looks like. She has also had plenty of tie with her husband without worrying about a rando bugging her."

We finally enter the city and I let good her hand. I slightly smile before ushering her into my home. Grabbing my set of keys and I unlock the door to let her in.

"I wanted to show you something I found during my travels. It's a sword I found in Wolfskull Cave after it was wiped out. I wanted you to have it actually."

"Thank you Y/n. This one will take care of it and use it to watch the caravan."

Khayla grabbed the sword and placed it in the hilt on her other hip. I motion for her to take a seat on my couch by the fireplace. I grab a book off my shelf and take it to her.

"What would Khayla do with this?"

"Well, I was hoping you would read it if that is ok."

"Are you trying to hang out with this one more?"

"Well ya, I actually do care about you. I wanted to get to know you more."

"You don't have to get me to read just so you can hang out with Khayla. She cares about you as well."

"Wait, are you saying in a friendly way or a romantic way?"

Khayla seemed to have been amused by my comment before assuring me. "That is for this one to know and for you to find out."

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