Lies only worth telling Farkas x Neko! Y/n

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Y/n Pov,

"An arrow struck in front of this one's face in the middle of a bandit attack. Scaring her near to death. But that didn't stop Y/n. She composed herself and took that arrow from that wall that flew in front of her face. This one launched that arrow in her bow and struck not one, not two, but three bandits."

"Oh, those are lies you monster. I know you stole those stories from the Dragonborn's tale. I also heard that all you do is steal from the rich and poor just to get by. Get away from these kids and be on your way." A guard said holding the hilt of his sword.

"Fine but just you wait when bandits take over this town because this one left then don't come crawling to Y/n," I said as I walked away from the guard and into a tall obstacle.

"Oh sorry Mr. This one wasn't looking where she was going," I say as my tail swayed and my ears flatten.

"No, it's ok Miss. I was in a hurry and I didn't react in time to move. I'm Farkas, I was just completing a mission here in Riften. Sorry again Miss."

I brush myself off and continue my way out of Riften. I look at the skyline to see a dragon and a few birds in the sky. A smirk was plastered on my face as I get the idea to head back into the city and say that Alduin is back is heading here to take over Tamriel.

"Help! Help! Alduin is back and he's angry! Where is the Dragonborn?" I shouted as I avoided people's attention.

I run out of the city again and hide in the bushes and watch people run out of the city to see the commotion and arrows begin launching into the air to the dragon in the sky.

"Dovahkiin!" The dragon shouted as it falls from the air and it wraps itself up as if it was protecting something.

"You just brought everyone out here to kill the Dragonborn's dragon and the Dragonborn herself," A guard angrily hissed as he drew his sword.

"This one is innocent! This one did no such thing!" I trembled at the guard's shouting.

"Sir, leave her alone or you'll have to deal with the Companions. This woman didn't know that the dragon was the Dragonborn's or that the Dragonborn herself was on it either." The man named Farkas commanded.

"Ya Mr. Guard! That woman didn't do anything. How could she know that?" A Khajiit named Ahzira fumed as she turned the guard towards her.

"Listen here Cat! Take this woman to the jails and lock her up. She is to face trial in the morning for her actions of killing the Dragonborn.

"This Neko that you see isn't guilty. The Dragonborn's death was an accident this Cat is to give her a home and plenty of food and drinks as well as enough money. Now, do I make myself clear?" Ahzira commanded as she stole the guard's coin purse with her tail.

"Yes Miss, this woman will get a home, food, drinks, and money," The guard mumbled as he got to work on what he was told.

"Ahzira... I am the Dragonborn and you didn't kill me or my dragon. I staged the whole thing. Everyone still thinks that I'm human instead of a Khajiit. Also Farkas, good job but you should keep an eye out for her-"

"Y/n, this one's name is Y/n, Ms. Dragonborn."

"Right, so Farkas keep an eye on Y/n and we won't have a problem anymore."

"Yes Ma'am," Farkas responded as he walked back into the city.

"So Ahzira is it? How did you do that?" I asked."

"Well I've been doing this for many years and it took a lot of practice to be capable of doing that. I'm joking about lots of practice. I've only been here for what about 3 years now and all the guards are still gullible since the first time I tried that trick. You speak like you're demanding and you know what you want then you get out of really anything."

"Whoa... Wait are you the Ahzira... the famous bar fighter in all of Tamriel?"

"The one and only. Now I've got to speak to my guilds around Skyrim but it was nice speaking to you." Ahzira stated as she hopped onto her horse and rode off to the next town.

I walk back into the city and I'm greeted by the same guard that tried to arrest me. The guard handed me a key to a house by Honeyside Manor. I accept the keys and I continue my way into the city.


"Y/n, do you really think Farkas actually likes you? Oh, who is this one kidding? No one would like this one..." I asked as I looked in the mirror.

I turn away from my mirror and I walk outside to go to the blacksmith and fail at making armor.

"Hello Y/n, Ahzira told me to give you this when I say again. It's uhh a manual to help make armor or something. If you can't read that's ok, it's got pictures to show you how."

"This one appreciates the Dragonborn's help. Y/n would like to ask you something if that is ok with you?" I stuttered as I put the manual in my satchel.

"Oh uh ya, that's fine with me," Farkas replied as he scratched behind his head.

"Right, this way towards this one's house. Are you looking for a spouse or anything? Unless you're already taken then don't mind my question."

"Hehe, I don't mind. No, I'm not seeing anyone if that's what you were trying to ask. Although I've had my eye on a woman, although I don't know if she is someone already."

"Well describe her to this one," I muttered as all hope left me when I heard his comment.

"Well, she is a kind woman who has the cutest ears. Oh, how adorable they can be and her fluffy tail as well. I know that she tries to be good but I know that she came from a troubled past. She's really beautiful and the way her light armor sorta hangs loosely on her skin."

"This one knew it. Y/n knew you liked Ahzira. She fits all those descriptions and how could someone not like someone who flawless."

"No, I like you and plus Ahzira is married to a Dark Elf named Teldryn Sero. I mean they've been married for a year and a half now. Y/n, I like you a lot and Ahzira is my boss."

"Oh how awkward, this one didn't mean to assume such things. I... This one likes you too."

"Congrats you crazy kids," Ahzira laughed as she sat on the roof of my house and clapping her hands. "Also Y/n, why do all the Khajiit talk in the third person? I never understood that. I think the small village that I grew up in was the only group to not have spoken in the third person."

"Um... I guess it was just the way Khajiit and how this one's mother spoke."

I'm alive I promise people...

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