Sickness Harkon x Y/n

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liebesbisse is the requester

I know the chapter isn't in best detail so please don't kill me because of the chapter.

Y/n Pov,

Being alive while a plague is happening can be scary at any time because who knows if you're infected or not.

A dark night with the moonless night, all monsters stir awake to find their prey on the weakened ones like the plague. Plagues run through all over Tamriel all the time but it just varies if the plague can be contained because of the skeever filled cities all over Skyrim. Rockjoint, Atoxia, or even the Rattles are very common but can be the end of you if left untreated. A cure so rare to find to cure a plague can be hard to find especially if it has killed thousands.

The time of the Black Plague was a dark time for all to be alive because the death rate was rapid because of the wretched curse of a plague. The plague has been going on for about ten years and about 1/3 of Skyrim is being affected right now. I got the plague a few weeks ago and I don't want anyone to know about it, luckily I found a temporary treatment to slow down the plague that is killing my body.

"Hello Harkon," I shyly s"ay as I hurry to by my lover.

"HeyY/n? How ya feelin?" 

"I-I'm fine, why do you ask Love?"

"You look a little paler than usual and a little sickly as well."

"No, I'm fi-"

"Ok, but please tell me if you feel ill ok Hun?"

"Ok... ya I'll tell you if I feel sick at all."

~Three Months Later~

Each day gets harder and harder because all my energy is being drained and I am getting to the point to where I have to cover myself head to toe to hide my illness. I walk out of my home and my exposed skin burns from the sunlight because I am literally sickly pale and I haven't had direct sunlight. I haven't let Harkon near me since my illness has begun to officially show its signs to the public eye. I do my best to hide my signs of the plague so I could go into the marketplace. Each step becomes harder and harder because of my drained energy. I reach the marketplace and I collapse at someone's feet that I have wished to see sooner than later. The feet were no other than Harkon himself.

I black out and wake up in my bed with Harkon having the look of concern washed over his face. "Y/n you know you have a week to live at most. You look like death literally. Do you know you could have told me that the plague had gotten to you and we could have sought better treatment than what those healers have right?"

I try my best to lift my hand to Harkon's face but I'm too weak to be able to move my body.

"Ya know I do love right? You could have told me so I could help you."

"I didn't want you to have to worry about me."

"I love you death but you are really stubborn at times like now. Hey, I have a cure for your plague Love. I could turn you so you don't have to worry about a wee little plague to put your fighting days to end."

"I-I'd Love that to Hun."

Harkon reaches for my hand and grips it firmly. He also leans over to whisper something in my ear. "I love you and this may hurt a bit." 

Harkon sinks his teeth into my neck and injects his vampire turning venom into my bloodstream.The pain was unbearable because of my weakened state but I held back my cries of pain. Teeth began to push through my gums and my eyes turn into a bright orange yellowish color. 

"Ya feel any better?"

"I feel more alive than I ever did."


Why hello there person. I hope you liked the chapter. I know it might not have been what you expected to read but hey I did my best.

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