Wars don't solve overnight or do they? Tullius x Y/n x Ulfric

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Y/n Pov,

One word... War. War doesn't solve itself especially when both halves don't want it to end. It's an old Nordic saying that war means 'season unending' so this only means that this war wasn't ending anytime soon. I on the hand wish for both Ulfric and Tullius to agree with their differences and band back together and start this war against the Aldmeri Dominion and not against each other.

"Ulfric... when will you understand that the Dominion want us to have this war against the Imperials?"

"General Tullius... The Aldmeri Dominion want us to fight the Stormcloaks."

It was no use the war was only going to continue unless I stop it myself. I look up at the two moons because both the war generals were not going to listen to me. So I sneak into their homes and kidnap them and take them to an abandoned shack near Solitude. I had recalled the memory of when I was taken to the old shack before I joined the Dark Brotherhood.

With both the leaders of this war in this abandoned shack I knew that I was going to end what needed to end before it had officially started. I disarm both of them before they had awakened. Ulfric was the first to stir so I hurry up and get to my post.

"I was wondering when you'd awaken Ulfric." I was being very mysterious like Astrid had been when she had nabbed me.

"What? Where am I... Who are you?" Ulfric shot right up and turned towards me when he sees me on the bunk of a bed over in the corner of the shack.

"Ah yes... so many questions but I am Y/n... the one who had kept trying to get you to stop this war and bring it the Aldmeri Dominion but alas, of course, you couldn't see through that ego of yours." 

Ulfric did his best not to ask any other questions. Ulfric looks down and he realizes he is sitting in a bed with a sleeping Tullius beside him. He went very pale when he realized who was next to.

Tullius was the second to stir and sit up. I could almost feel the tension between the two Leaders. Tullius sets aside his hatred of Ulfric and he begins to look around. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Y/n is that you?" Tullius seems to almost be surprised when he realized who I was.

"Ding ding ding... Winner, chicken dinner."

"What?" Both Ulfric and Tullius said in unison and almost forget about their feud with each other.

"Never mind that... Have you guys found out why you both are here?" I chuckled as both the leaders had a look of confusion.

"Uhhh because you're going to kill us both..." Ulfric questioned in an almost sarcastic tone.

Tullius just simply rolled his eyes at Ulfric's comment. I snickered and rolled my eyes well. 

"We're here because you want us to stop this war and bring it to the Aldmeri Dominion aren't we?" Tullius uses brain, unlike Ulfric.

"Yes... and like I've said before, the Dominion are wanting us to fight each other. Now yes I know you Ulfric didn't like that the Empire had signed the contract that had banned all Talos worship. If I'm correct both of ya'll don't like that the Thalmor has taken control of Skyrim. Now am I right or am I right. So kiss and make up... please don't kiss that'd be very weird and I don't think that I could handle such... emotions... So just hug it out and make peace with each other or so help I will kill you both and take control of both your troops and to fight for Skyrim's peace without you both."

Ulfric and Tullius both look at each other and just shrug. I pull out a piece of paper that is an agreement to where they both fight the Dominion and then after the war again the Thalmor then they can continue this war that they have against each other. I walk over to them and hand them a pen that has 'I am a Stormcloak bitch' written on it. Tullius goes wide eyed and gets a little pale when he sees the writing on the pen. Ulfric on the other hand looks very proud.

I sure hope it was good.

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