We're here!

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After a hour and 20 minutes on the train, me and Lauren were starting to become restless, so we started talking about boys, like we always do *wink* but anyway, "I think I like Leo." I said really quickly, glancing up from my hands to Steph.

"Do you think I'm dumb? I knew you've liked him since we were 12, and that your saving your first-kiss for him too"
I froze in my chair that she had realised.

"Oh crap I don't wanna go, he is gonna tell straight away" I was starting to panic.

"Oi! Don't be an idiot, I only know because I've known you since nursery, and your like my sister I can read you like a book, but that doesn't mean he will know, don't worry.. Anyway, even if he did know, I'm sure he would like you back!" That made me calm down the slightest bit but I was still nervous.

"I'm going to make a fool of myself," I mumbled to myself before raising my voice " So who do you think is cute?"

" well.. Obviously.. No one" she lied.

"So your telling me, we're going to spend seven days, seven nights with about 10 boys, and you don't think none of them is cute? Ok.. Don't you have like a tiny crush on any of them? Actually, who do you think is the best looking?" I was asking, trying to get it out of her.

" I dunno, erm, maybe.. Charlie, I dunno."

*passengers 219,218, the train is ready to stop at your destination! a member of staff I'd coming to your seats with them! have a good time!"

"Ok!! That's us! Lauren said, she then jumped up and took our bags of the man, I wanted to look nice and I didn't want to look stupid dropping my bags and things, so with my bag I can take the handles into a back pack, so I did that, and chucked it onto my back, because then I only had to pull one suitcase, She did the same. "Ok, here goes!" she smiled widely at me before we both quickly messaged our parents letting them know we are off the train, and that we are with them.

We wasn't just yet.. But.. We messaged them early.

We both stepped of the train, looking around, i looked to my right, and.. There they were, I couldn't believe it.

There he was.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now