We can finally move back home.

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Demi's P.O.V.


We left the court room and everyone was out there.

Everyone was giving me hugs and whispering nice things to me and then it came to Leondre.

"Told you it'd be worth it" he said and kissed me kinda hard😉💖

I looked around and saw everyone making there own conversations.

"Come on" Leo whispered and pulled me into a empty corridor where he held my wrists and put them above my head on the wall.

"Leo what are you doin?" I asked laughing.

"Something I've wanted to do since I saw you this morning" He whispered and leaned in a lot closer😉💞🙊

Lauren's P.O.V.


"I'm glad this case was sorted, now she can sleep at night and not have to worry about anything." The detective said.

"I know, thankyou so much" Charlie said and shook his hand.

"When will they be able to move back home then?" I asked and smiled.

"Well, as long as they stay safe they can go home tonight I suppose." He answered.

"Alright, well were only next door so if anything happens we'd probably hear it ahah" I replied.

"When's the little one due?" He asked and pointed at my tummy.

"Six weeks and four days to be certain" I replied and place me hands on my tummy.

"We just can't wait for her to be born, it's killing us with all the waiting" I said.

"Do you have a name picked out for her yet?" He asked.

I looked at Charlie and smiled. "Lexi, Short for Alexia" he said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I feel so safe when I'm with him☺️💖🙊

"Awrh" he replied.

Demi's P.O.V.


"Do I look ok?" I asked Leondre whilst fixing my hair.

"Yea you look fine, quick let's go out before people realise were gone" He said and swung open the door.

"Wait Leo!" I shouted but he didn't hear me.

I ran out to him and he was standing there fixing his hair.

"Leo you've.." I started.

"You've got something on your face" Ollie jumped in.

"Aw it's lipstick!" Jordi shouted.

"That's..what I was trying to tell you.." I whispered and rubbed my face awkwardly.

Leo rubbed his face quickly to try and get rid of it.

"I wondered where you two went" Joey added on.

Now everyone was looking..awkward.

Leondre just turned around to face me and smiled awkwardly.

"I tried to tell you" I whispered and blushed.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around quickly to see izzy standing there.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think he did it. If I thought anything like that would happen I would of never invited him or anyone. Thankyou though, it's opened my eyes. I'm going to turn my life around" She said.

Some reason I actually did believe her.

"Thankyou izzy" I replied and smiled.

All of the lads behind her all murmured "Sorry" and "he's a dog" and things like that.

I smiled at everyone and then we all left and made our way out to the limousine.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now