Rest of the night!

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Demi's P.O.V.


After that really weird visit from a random person.. We watching all of insidious 2, and we watched almost half of conjuring.

Then our pizza came😄😍💝💋💞💁👌🙈💜 -Sorry I got happy when I wrote Pizza😂😍

Charlie paid the man and Leondre gave him half. I offered to pay but they wouldn't let me.

Charlie fetched a knife and we all had a quarter of the piece, but I didn't eat all of mine so Lauren ended up eating the rest of what we left and said "I'm eating for two!" Each time😂 wow this girl kills me😂😂

We watched the rest of conjuring but I got really scared so I sat on Leondres lap and turned my back to the television and went on Instagram and twitter.

I went through a few DMS when I found one that really caught my eye. It was from a girl named Jade. It read: Hey, I don't know if you will reply but me and my sister went to see a house were going to buy once it's built, we went to see it this morning, and my sister said that it's next door to your houses, is this true or is she lying haha? Just so I know😘xxxxx" I replied with "yea babe, is your house just being built?xxx"

A few minutes later she answered "yep. They started building it today😘xxx"

"Yep,you must be our new neighbours then🙊xxx" I wrote and pressed send.

"Aww, good💞💞💞💞xxxxx" she answered.

Finally the film finished. I wasn't as scared, but I was getting bored of it. Leondre put "The Fault In our Stars" on. (Ok guys I haven't watched this so I don't even know what happens but I'm just gonna go with what my friends have told me, sorry😘)

We were watching it and I couldn't stop crying, Lauren was in floods of tears because she was emotional aswell. At one point Charlie looked like he was gonna cry but managed to hold it in.

Leondre cried though, bless him.

All of our eyes were red and puffy by the end if the film. But then when we watched bad neighbours none of us could stop laughing, it was so funny yet so dirty😂😂

Me and Lauren were pretending to cry over how good looking Zac Efron was.

We could tell the boys were getting jealous and pissed off but it was funny.

"OMG Demi imagine him walking threw the door in his boxers!!" Lauren shouted.. Awkward😳😳 I saw a Leondre sitting there in silence awkwardly so I said..

"Yea ok, but I'd rather it be Leondre" I winked😜😜

"Oooooo" Charlie said and Laughed. Leondre laughed aswell.

I just smiled and cuddled back up to his chest.

After the movies we were pretty tired so we decided to go up to bed. On the way up Charlie made sure the front door and windows were locked.

"Just going to the bathroom babe" Leondre said as he ran into the bathroom.

"Alright, night guys" I said as they walked into the bedroom and I jumped under the quilt in the spare room.

I got undressed and threw a over-sized top over my underwear and got under the quilts.

I was scrolling threw my Instagram when Leondre ran into the room wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Leondre!" I shouted and chucked my pillow at him.

"What? You wouldn't care if it was Zac Efron😉" He winked.

"Who said I cared if it was you?" I said laughing😂

He climbed into bed and threw the covers over him.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now