Driving to the hospital quickly!!

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Lauren's P.O.V.


"Guys!! It's coming!" I repeated as Demi rubbed my back.

"You'll be ten minutes?!" Charlie shouted down the phone.

"Charlie please, I can't last ten minutes!" I said and took deep breaths, I just felt like crying.

Leo jumped up "I'll take you! I'll drive I'll get there in at the most five minutes!"

"Yes please if you don't mind, please" I begged.

I knew these pains would be bad but not this bad😔😔

Standing up I saw a puddle around my feet.

"My waters broke!" I screamed.

"This is my favourite night dress!" I added.

"It's alright, come on grab a towel or blanket Charlie we will walk her to the car!" Demi shouted.

Demi helped me to the door and Leo helped me to the car.

"I knew it'd hurt but not this much, I'm not even in labour yet, my waters have just broke!" I shouted.

"It's alright, come on get in the back you can put your feet up" Demi reassured me and slowly helped me into the back.

"Wait! Put this blanket down in the back!" Charlie shouted as he ran and put it in the car. I sat down and Demi and Leo jumped into the front of the car.

They kept smiling at each other and were holding hands. "This'll be you soon dem" I said and she smiled like so big.

"I know, we decided last night, were gonna start tying for a baby now" Demi answered.

"Aw that's so cute!" I said.

"It's cute but we don't want to know about your sex life, youse just made me cringe" Charlie added.

"She spoke first!" Leo said indicating To me and we all started laughing.

"Ok now please get me to the hospital it hurts to laugh" I pleaded.

"Sorry, were turning into the road now" Leondre said.

"Charlie when are you gonna learn to drive?" I asked him as I held His hand.

"I'm taking lessons babe, they start in 3 days" He answered.

"Aw alright" I answered.

"Were here Demi you go get a wheelchair from reception, Charlie take her to the waiting room and I'll park the car" Leondre ordered and smiled.

"Yes boss" Demi smiled and we all did what he said.

Demi's P.O.V.


I ran into the reception and said to the lady "Excuse me, my best friend is in labour can I have a wheel chair please?!"

"Yes, here it is, and where is she I'll fetch her?" The lady asked as she ran out of the room with the wheelchair.

"There!" I shouted and pointed at the main entrance where Charlie and Lauren came in and Lauren sat on the wheelchair.

I ran over to Leondre who was running behind them.

I grabbed his hand and kissed him quickly "exciting ain't it?" I laughed.

"Yea it is" He replied as we ran behind the nurse, Charlie and Lauren who was in the wheelchair.

WOOOO!! Next chapter will be the birth😝😝😝 Don't worry I won't go into my detail lmaoo, love ya'll💜💚

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz