Thats him.. I think?

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Demi's P.O.V.

As we were sitting in the waiting room I tucked my legs up onto the chair and leant on Leondre slightly.

He pulled out his phone and went on to his twitter. He followed about 4 people and Dm'd one and then we were called in.

Walking into the little room the man said too us "we have found as many people as possible that fit your description and age etc. We will take you into the room and one at a time you will have to see if it's him. If you think or Aren't sure then we will keep those ones behind. Don't panic when you go inside please, just take a deep breath and remember they can't hurt you again, ok?" He looked down at me and gave a weak smile.

Nodding i felt Leondre soft fingers brush against mine as he held my hand.

Walking into the room I saw ten different males, they were all wearing green caps that I described.

"Why are they wearing those hats?" Leondre asked.

"So she can remember the man and see which one it was. So she can realise/recognise him more." The man explained asif I wasn't in the room.

Walking up to the glass is looked at the first man.

It wasn't the first man. "100% it's not number *1" O told him.

Nodding the police man told another officer on the other side of the glass to let him out and to send him home.

Moving to number two it looked like him, But I wasn't really sure. They all looked the same!
I rested my hand on the glass window and closed my eyes to try and remember.

Every single night I had a nightmare about it, and now I NEED to remember, I can't!!

A flashback of his face shot into my head. "That's definitely not him. Or him, and not that one." I said as I pointed at number 2,3 and 5.

The man fetched out the next three and now there was only left with 4,6,7,8,9&10.

"Why did you leave number 4 out?" Leondre asked as he held my hand.

Looking closer at the man..I..I..I think.. "It..looks, abit like him." I mumbled as Leondre put
His arm around my back.

"Ok ma'am just continue to go down the line to see if there is Any other that look like him." The police man, who was named Steve told me.

"It's not 6,7,8..or.." I stuttered because I was nervous.

"..Or nine." I added on.

Steve nodded and walked out if the room to the other officer.

"What are they doing Leo? What are they talking about?" I asked as I slightly started to panic.

He hugged me and buried my head in his chest as he rested his chin on my head.

"Don't worry babe, it will he sorted." He whispered.

At that point I looked to my right to see..HIM.

'Number 10' come racing up to the window screaming at me.

I flinched back and Leondre grabbed me and jumped infront of me.
"YOU FUCKING WHORE!!! Your a SLUT, IM GONNA GET SENT TO PRISON FOR THIS.. It wasn't rape if you asked me to do it with you?!?! Admit it! YOUR ENJOYED IT!!" He screamed as he Punched and a kicked the window, he was being a lunatic.

But...Why didn't they make the windows thicker?😫😫

He ran up and kicked it and it completely smashed through leaving a huge hole for him to climb through.

"LEONDRE!!" I screamed in fear as I was about to run when the man..grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing? Get off! Please, I beg, please just let go!!!" I shouted as the tears poured down my face and he twisted my wrist and I kicked his ankles but it wasn't doing anything. I kicked in between his legs quickly and he loosened his grip.

Just at that split second Leondre jumped onto him and beat him to a pumlp, physically.

He was punching and kicking him several times and then dropped him to the floor.

He held him down by his wrist and looked down at him on the floor.

"You come anywhere near me and my family once more. And you WILL regret it, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" Leondre screamed at him as he rested his ankle down on his tummy to stop him from moving.

"GET OFF ME!" He..He shouted

I sat on the floor with my back up the wall as it went on. The tears continued to stream down my face.
I looked up slightly and Number 4, the innocent one walked to the door of the hallway I was sitting by and crouched down to my level. He whispered in my ear "Stay strong beautiful. Your lucky to have someone like him by your side" and looked over at Leondre.

"Thankyou, and..I know" I whispered and smiled slightly at him.

Then he stood up collected his things from the desk at reception and walked home, freely.

Wiping the tears from my face I saw I had leaked my mascara a little, even though it's waterproof.

I didn't want to cry anymore. That's simple. I just want to stop crying. I cry all the time, I have always being a week person but then I met Leondre Antonio Devries and he made me stronger, but now.. This animal has ruined everything.

The police flooded into the room and grabbed a Leondre off him.

"No stop!! I wanna hear him say it!! I wanna hear him say he will leave me and my family alone!!" Leondre shouted as he pushed the police man away and he let go.

The other police men stood him to his feet and he said in Leondres face "I..Understand" weakly.

They all walked him out the room and as he walked past me he smiled, He smirked at me, how could he do that after everything he's done😔😔

I turned my head and looked down into my lap and realised my hands were shaking like mad.

Looking up Leondre stood above me and pulled my up by my hand.

"It's Alright now princess. Your safe."

Ik this is a long chapter.. And I haven't updated In A while, but at least the police have him now!🙊💖

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now