The end.

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5 years later: Demi's P.O.V.


"Leo babe I just said, no football in the hall way!" I shouted.

"Mommmm!" Riley moaned.

"Fine them. Just make sure you don't break anything!" I gave in.

"Thanks princess" Leo answered as he ran past me and kissed me.

"Ewwwww!! Stop kissing!!" Riley moaned and covered his eyes.

"Give me a kiss Riley" Leondre cooed as he ran towards him. Now chasing him around the house😘😂

I held Corey on my hip and he smiled at me. "Leo he smiled again!" I shouted. We both found it cute when he smiled🙊😂🙈

I walked threw into the kitchen and placed Corey in his baby chair which was on the kitchen side.


Leo and Riley ran into the room screaming "ME ME ME ME ME"

Leo dancing around like a two year old, physically😂

"Leondre look what you've done. You've got your 5 year old son addicted to Nutella" I smirked.

"I know, now I need to get this one addicted to it!" Leo cheered as he stuck Corey's plastic spoon in the Nutella and touched Corey's lips with it.

"Leo he has just turned two, he can't eat Nutella" I laughed and picked up Riley and placed him on my back.

"I gave it Riley when he was a baby!" Leo answered and then covered his mouth.

"You gave our baby Nutella? No wonder he loves it!" I shouted and Leondre picked Corey up out of the baby carrier.

"Chase him!" Riley cheered and I jogged after him holding Riley on my back carefully and Leo held Corey in his hip.

"Faster faster!" Riley shouted.

"Riley calm down!" I laughed.

We finally caught Leo and we all lay on the sofas because we had ran around the whole house.

"Fasta" We heard mumble.

"What was that mommy?" Riley asked as he hugged me from behind and held his arms around my neck.

I looked at Leo and we both looked around. Corey caught my eye. "Fasta" He mumbled again.


"Awww!" Leondre cooed and picked him up.

"You big boy!" He added on.

He passed me him and I kissed his cheek "your a clever boy Corey!"

"My bewtiful wittle brother" Riley smiled using a baby voice.

He walked over to me and kissed Corey's cheek.

I smiled at Leo as he picked Riley up and placed him on his knee.

He got his phone out and told us to pose so he could take a picture.

Me and Leo did a ':O' face, Riley stuck out his tongue and Corey just smiled- obviously😂💜

He posted it on Instagram, twitter and Facebook and tagged me in them.

I set the picture as my home screen and Leondre put the status as..

"My world in one picture. My beautiful perfect princess. And my two amazing sons. Riley&Corey💜 Corey said his first word today.. We was chasing each other around the house and he said 'fasta, Fasta' it was so adorable. My world💗💗💗💗💗"

This was true. This was my world. This was my life. This was me.


Ok guys it's the end😣

I'm not gonna say a lot because I'll get emosh😣

But guys seriously this journey has been fun😣

I have over 2K votes, 500 comments, and over 135K views😱

Youse don't understand how much this means to me💗

And to everyone that continued to votes comment and read even when I took ages to update and I updated crap updates😳😳

Because admit it the first lot were pretty crap😂😉

Thankyou it everyone that allowed me to use there name, personalities and looks for my characters.

Thankyou to everyone that Messaged me telling me to update because if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't of finished the book, you know who you are💗

But on a happy note..😱

A few chapters back I did say I might be doing another Story.. And I've decided, I will!😱🙈🙋

It will be a Bars and Melody fanfic, but I will also feature a few other famous people💜💜

I have it planned out in my head. However I've decided I'm going to take a couple days break. I will still be using wattpad so I will still be reading, and answering messages.. But I need a couple of days because I've wrote the whole of this book/story practically alone so I need a little break💞💞💞

I won't put a post on here saying I posted it because I want to keep it to 150 Chapters haha, but If you message me in a couple of days or check my wall/profile I'll keep you posted💚💚💚

When I post the first chapter then I'll probably have a competition for people's girlfriends and maybe boyfriends who knows?💓💓💓


AND THAT IS THE END OF 'I Loved Him Since I Was 12' 🙈💛🙈💛🙈💛🙈💛🙈💛🙈💛

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