Helping the neighbours decorate!

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Demi's P.O.V.


*Knock knock* "Hello" Melissa shouted as she opened the door to us.

"Heyy" I said and she stepped aside for us to walk in.

"Where and what do you want us to do?" Leondre asked as Jade passed us a tub of wallpaper paste to share and a pot of paint each with a paint brush dipped in each of them.

"Me and Melissa are going to do the downstairs bathroom, so you two could do the room next door, were gonna have it as a dining room." Jade said nicely.

"Ok cool, carpet or wooden floor and paint or wallpaper?" I asked and tightened my grip on the paint tub in my hand so I wouldn't drop it.

"Wooden floor" Melissa replied.

"And Wallpaper" Jade added and smiled at her sister.

"Alright, have you done any other rooms?" Leondre asked as he took the tub of wallpaper out of Melissa's hand.

"Nope, these are the first" Melissa answered and smiled.

"Let's get to it then!" I said and we walked into the dining room and started on the wallpaper which was a grey wallpaper with black flowers on it, it was really nice to be honest.

Leondre spreaded the wallpaper paste onto the paper and I hung it up gently.

Once we finished the wall and allowed it to dry we opened the packs of wood and started to place them down as the floor.

Half an hour later we had decorated the walls, floors and painted the ceiling so we went into Melissa and Jade who was just finishing off putting the floor down in the bathroom.

"Aw it looks nice in here, I see you were for white walls blue floors?" I asked and smiled.

"Yep" Melissa smiled back.

We helped them clean up the rubbish and walked back threw the dining room to the hall way.

"Aw this looks really nice! Thanks guys!" Jade said as she admired the room.

"It's fine, what room do you want us to do next?" I asked.

"Youse do the living room,we'll do the kitchen, and then we can all do the hallway" Jade suggested.

"What about the upstairs?" Leondre asked.

"My cousins are coming around to help me with that tomorrow" Jade responded. We nodded and walked into the living room.

"Pink walls, white carpet" She shouted from the kitchen and I replied "alright!"

I opened the tub of white paint and turned around to Leondre and as I turned he flicked his paint brush at me, covering me in paint😣😣

"LEOOOOO!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry I had to!" He replied and stepped closer with the paint.

"Noo" I replied and dipped my brush in the paint.

He stepped closer so I 'puckered' my lips to kiss him.

He leaned in to kiss me when I lifted my paint brush and wiped it on his cheek.

"No you can't do that!" Leondre shouted in his perfect welsh accent.

"Awrh" I said and frowned as he rested his hands on my hips.

I wiped a drop of paint on his nose and he did the same to me😣

"Now were quits" He whispered and leaned in as our lips connected.

Until we were interrupted😂😂

"You two get a room!" Melissa shouted

Leondre picked up a dry towel and chucked it at her, I just stood there blushing😂😂

One and a half hours later.

We finally finished the living room and kitchen and we were all now doing the hallway.

It was brown carpet with white walls and brown patterns on it. It looked nice and modern.

"Is it just you two moving in?" I asked.

"Yep, our parents are moving houses, it's in the same neighbourhood as before but the house is a bungalow and I have a job so I thought, we could live here but visit them still." Jade explained as she started to put the wallpaper up.

"Aw alright, have you met Lauren and Charlie yet?" I asked.

"Yea I met Charlie, I took Melissa too one of the meet and greets before haha, but I haven't met Lauren" she said.

"Aww, so your fans?" Leondre asked.

"Yep" Melissa answered and popped the 'p' as she rolled the carpet down.

I put up one of the last pieces of wallpaper and looked at the time on my phone. It read 16:45.

We finished off just after five. "Thanks for helping" Jade said.

"It's fine" We replied.

We left and went back home and got changed.

Soon after Leondre had a text message from Jordi.

Message from Jordi: Hey Leo, come and meet me and the 'gang'We haven't spoke to you recently except from yesterday. Bring your girl😜😜

Reply to Jordi: Alright mate, the usual place?☺️

Message from Jordi: yep☺️☺️


Sorry this chapter isn't very good but it's just to fill in because I haven't updated a lot recently, sorry about that as well😘😘 BUT OMG THANKYOU SO MUCH GUYS!! 100K+ Views, Seriously?!🙊🙈🙊🙈 When I first started writing I didn't expect anyone to read this at all (that's why it's so rubbish😳🙈) And now I see that there's 100+ thousands views😳🙈💖 I can't thank you lot enough.

But I have one question for you, what names do you wanna have? Because when I write authors notes I always write 'guys'

I can't call you bambinos or overloaders because there taken, think of a random name and comment! It can even be something like "the munchkins" idk😂❤️😂

But anyway guys, thankyouuuuu💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛


(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now