Swimming time.. Yaaay

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Demi's P.O.V.

We got there and we all climbed out of the limo.

We all took it in turns to pay for our entry, Joey wanted to pay for us all but we wouldn't let him.

We all got our wristbands and ran into the changing rooms it went like this:


We filled a corridor to our selves🙊🙊

It was already Wednesday, we only had 3 days left because we was leaving Saturday night.

It was going to be hard leaving.

We have all became so close.. And we only have 3 days left.. Leo keeps saying "Let's make the most of it" but, will we ever meet again? Is this it? :(

Leo snapped me out of my thoughts by shouting "Are you ready dem?" Over the door.

"Urm yea, two seconds" I Replied, quickly taking my clothing of because I have my swimming costume underneath.

I took a deep breath and unlocked my door.

I walked out of my changing room and put my bags into a locker and out the key strap around my ankle.

Where is everyone else? I asked Leo.

"There waiting around the corner" he answers after grabbing my hand.

"Ok😊" we walked to the swimming pool and found overload and Harvey counting down, and they then all ran up to the side and shouted "Water Bombbb!!" And all landed in the water, the lifeguard didn't look impressed and we started laughing, Me Leo, Lauren, Charlie And Sarah walked down the steps into the pool meeting them.

"RACE YOU TO THE RAPIDS" Jordi shouted whilst flicking his fringe to the side.

We all swim to the rapids, and then we all sat on a rubber 'dingy' as the water took us around.

It was really fun to be honest, we then all went down the slide, and it was supposed to be one at a time.. But.. Over load went down together, Sarah and Harvey went down together, me and Lauren went down together, and Leo and Charlie went down together.

It was hilarious😂 we only had 1 hour left so we decided to go and swim around for a bit, yanno just in the normal pool.

Leo and Charlie were holding there breath for really long under water, like a bunch of kids. And then there was Overload flirting with some fans, and Harvey and Sarah cuddling in the water like a pair of adults, bless them haha💜 and then me and Lauren was just swimming and talking. She then asked "what do you think will happen when we go home dem?" She looked at me. "I don't know, I was thinking that earlier." I told her. "Shall we ask them?" She said to me. "Ok, let's wait to get back to the hotel first" I told her. We both agreed and carried on swimming.

Five minutes later it came over the speaker "Can locker number 200-210 please leave the pool. Your time is up." I turned around and Saw Ryan Kiss a girl and say goodbye..
I..I thought he had a girlfriend.. Hmm, never mind. I forgot about it and climbed out the pool.

We waited for Charlie and Leo as we wrapped towels around our soaking wet body's.

Leo came up to me and swept me into his arms. "Leooo!! Put me down! You will slip and we will both fall!" I said to him. He started laughing and said "I won't!"

He kinda carried me about ten steps to my changing room door. "Thanks" I said laughing. "No problem" he said as he walked into his changing room.

I dried my body and threw my clothes on, I then dried my hair as much as I could with the towel and walked outside to wait for the others.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now