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Leondres's P.O.V.

Lauren and Charlie walked off to look for items.

Me and Demi walked straight to the wallpaper section.

Demi picked up a blue wallpaper, that had a straight design on it.

I turned around and picked up another blue.

"Light or dark?" She asked.

"Urm, light" I said putting the one I hand in my hand down.

"Ok babe, there's a shop over the road, that sells 'Breakfast bars' or 'counters' we can get a black and grey one from over there, black and blue." She said to me.

"Ok then, it will be a black counter and white floor, with light blue walls." I told her.

"Yea ok" she agreed.

"Here's some nice pillows/cushions" I said as I picked up one with a red flowery design on.

"Yea there nice, let's get 6, 2 for each sofa" she said.

"Ok, Ima go and get the white tiles for the floor dem" I told her.

"Ok, I'm going to look around some more" she told me, I walked off and nodded.

I picked up ten packs of tiles and chucked them into our trolley.

I then walked around the shop to try and find Charlie and Lauren.

In the end, Demi decided we can have our bathroom white, and just have cream flooring, and then we can get white and silver items for in there.

Demi had put them into the trolley, as I found a brown wallpaper, that had orange swirls on, I placed it into the trolley for the library.

I showed Demi when I found her and she agreed, we then walked into the carpet section, and found a brown carpet.

As we was walking to the checkout so we could pay, we found Lauren and Charlie who had bought black and pink items for there kitchen, and a few tubs of dark blue paint with blue carpet, for there office.

After leaving the shop, we walked into the breakfast bar/counter shop.

Me and Demi both decided on a Black design, that had silver sparkle on it.

Lauren and Charlie was struggling to find one, so in the end they decided to get a simple black one, with a grey effect.

Demi and Lauren was carrying the bags from the first shop, and me and Charlie was carrying the counters, along with the bag with the screws in etc.

I then phoned for the taxi/cab and we waited a few minutes, and it was here already, it's because the taxi rank is only around the corner from where we were.

We all then hopped into the taxi/can and made our way home.

Charlie P.O.V.

As we got home, me and Lauren jumped out and ran into the house.

Demi and Leo then got there bags out the car and made there way into there home.

It was nice walking in our home, because in the hallway, there wasn't any carpet but then you walk into the living room and it is really soft.

I put the bags and things into the kitchen, and walked back into the living room.

Lauren was starting to out the curtains up as I walked over to her to help her.

"Tighten that end, and I'll climb up and hook it on" I told her.

"Ok, two seconds" she replied.

I climbed up the step ladder as Lauren padded me the curtain pole/rail.

I hooked it onto the wall, as Demi passed me the curtains, I solely placed them on and climbed down.

"I'll screw these nails in at the side, so you can clip it onto it." Lauren said.

"Ok, I'm going to start putting that metal cabinet we bought together" I told her.

"Ok, don't smash it though ahah" she said.

"Don't worry.. I won't ahah" I told her.

I sat down on the floor and took all of the pieces out of the box.

I slowly started to put it together and screwed a few nails into the parts.

Demi then sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for" I asked with a smile.

"Nothing" she said.

"Oh, then this is for nothing" I said as I put my hands on her cheeks and kissed her.

I then said "MWAH" like a 3 year old and started laughing.

"Haha, what shall I do now?" She asked.

"Here you go babe, I've just finished doing this, out it over there and then open the television box&bout the TV on top of it" I told her.

"Ok then" she said with a smile.

I then walked into the hallway and phoned Blair.

"Blair? Hello mate, can you sort me out a van please? We need to fetch the sofas?" I asked.

"Urm mate, I'll fetch them for you, I, on my way over to yours anyway, I'll pick them up for you" he said.

"Ok thanks Mate" I said and hung up.

I then walked into the living room and hung up a few canvas onto the wall.

I turned around and saw Demi putting the door runners onto the floor.

"Is that right babe?" She asked.

I nodded and said "yea that's fine💜💜"

We both went into the kitchen, and put the counter/breakfast bar up.

Lauren painted the walls and I out the floor tiles down.

One hour later and we were done.

Lauren opened up the morrisons bag and put the pits and things in the cupboards.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now