Court.. "Guilty? Or not guilty?"

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Demi's P.O.V.


When ever I glanced in his direction a shiver would run down my spine and I would feel sick. But I tried my best to ignore it.

"May Demi Rogers take the stand please?" The man asked.

I stood there and the man out the book infront of my face and explained what I had to do.

"I swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth, the whole truth" I said and rested my hand on the book.

"What was the address of the place of the crime ma'am?" A woman behind me asked.

"Urm, I don't know the.. The full address but, it was her party." I said and pointed straight at Izzy who was flirting with every boy there, god the girl makes me cringe.

The judge gave me a 'what is her name' look😉😜

"Her name is Izzy Wexwood." I said and her face kinda dropped.

"The only reason she wanted to hold a party was so a bunch of sexual teenagers can go and hope to get 'laid' she's a dirty.." I started and started to get angry.

"It's alright ma'am" the judge said.

Leondre smiled at me from in the box.

"Were you at the party alone?" A lady asked.

", My best friend.. Lauren, Lauren Hickinbottom was with me." I started and she smiled back at me.

"But she went to get drinks and he, he dragged me up the stairs but I fought him off and I tried to hide in a room but he came in and shut it and then.." I said and lost my breath near the end due to the fact I was close to tears.

"Ok, just take deep breaths ma'am, thats all we need to know for now, please bring Lauren Hickinbottom to the stands please" the judge said and raised her voice.

The judge asked Lauren normal questions and it was all going quite well and the judge seemed to believe us, but it's the jury that needs to decide.

"Detective o'leary please take the stand" I was confused, what was he doing up there😳😳

"Ok your majesty. I wanted to take the stand due to the fact I was there when the defendant admitted he Was guilty." He added on.

"Go on" The judge replied.

"I was there when he admitted it. And smashed the window costing the police service £60.00 He shouted "I only did it because you wanted me to you stupid S***" and we were all there. But I think we know this isn't true" he said.

"Ok everyone, now the jury will leave to go and decide on what they think. Now you all have a break, the case will continue at 15:00" the judge said and banged her hammer on the table which made me jump.

"Thankyou for making a statement" I said to Lauren and The Detective.

"It's fine really, I just wanted that monster behind bars. You two are young, you can live your life properly now knowing he has being punished." The detective said.

"If he gets sent down as guilty" I said.

"Don't worry, he will" Ollie said as him, Joey, Jordi, Andy and Ryan all gave me hug.

"Bless youse" I said and smiled.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now