We got home, the night time.

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Demi's P.O.V.

...what did I do?..
..did I deserve it?..
..how will I tell Leondre?..
..would Leondre leave me?..
..What happens next?..

So many questions were going through my head. Did I deserve it? Why me?.. How will I ever look in the mirror again and not feel sick, I have only just got used to Leondre seeing/touching me, and now.. That dirty animal went and took away my confidence, my comfort, I feel so sick😩

I can't wait to get back to my home so I can shower, I know it would change anything that happened or get rid of how dirty I feel, but that's the only thing I can think of doing at the moment.

Also, I can't wait to see Leondre, for him to hold me in his arms, but what if when I see him, I feel sick and I remember this, oh I don't know, I just need to go home and shower.

Ten minutes later

We finally got home. I didn't even speak when I got in, I couldn't, I didn't know what to say or do.I walked up the stairs and straight into my bathroom.

I stripped down and looked into the mirror.

As I looked into it I could see a few bruises across my neck, and a few across my tummy. I was jaunt about to get into the shower when I realised what had actually happened.

I felt physically sick, we read in the newspapers what happens to woman, but.. It had happened to me.I sat on the side of the bath and picked up a blade.

I don't even know why, well. Obviously I know why, but I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I scrapped it across the back of my wrist 3 times, as I saw the blood drip down my arm.

I scrapped it across the top of my thigh, this way no one would know, except me. I cleaned myself up and climbed into the shower.

I was in there at least 2 hours, just thinking over and over, how would I tell Leo, things like that, but it was really hard, I just wish I could change time, I would never, never of gone to that party.

After I got out of the shower, I found a bandage from out of the medication cabinet. I wrapped it around my leg about 3 times, and then out a plaster onto my wrist.

I put my onesie on, and threw a hoodie over the top and made my way downstairs to Lauren.

I found her in the kitchen, she looked like she had being crying.

"Don't cry Lauren, please, you have to believe me, it's not my fault and I would never blame you, it's no ones fault apart from that animal that.. Did this to me." I told her and hugged her.

"Ok, I just feel so bad, I should of being there, ily Demi" she told her as I felt tears come to my eyes because I don't like talking about it.

I took a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding in, and said "You didn't know, no one did. Please don't stress yourself over it though, and ily2" I told her and let go of the hug.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" She asked.

I nodded and went to sit in the living room.

I tucked my legs into my stomach and wrapped my arms around my knees, I just feel so uncomfortable, even in front of my best-friend.

After watching all of the soaps and a few more programmes, Lauren was texting Charlie, but I didn't want to text Leondre yet, I knew that if I did he would ask me if I'm ok, and I'm not, so I don't want to lie to him by telling him yes.

I just love him so much, I know that this would kill him.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now