Friday morning.

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Thankyou so much for the 1.9K readings/views!! Let's see if we can get it to 2.0?💜💜 I won't be able to Upload/write on a day time, because the holidays have ended and I have school, but I will try my hardest to fit it in with School, Homework, family life, and meeting friends.

I appreciate the comments and votes though, let's try and get it to 50 votes! We are on 41 atm!! This chapter is going to be short because I'm tired, sorry🙊🙊🙊

Demi's P.O.V.

I woke up early today, it was 8:30 and Leo was already awake.

"Hey Cutie" he said as he leant in for a cuddle.

"Morning" I said in a Morning/Grumpyish voice.

"What's wrong? Why are you up this early" I asked.

He paused for a few seconds.

"Just thinking" he said to me.

"Are you having second thoughts babe?" I asked as I sat up.

"No, I just think, when I'm on tour and things, you will be alone, and I'll worry about you." He admitted

I cuddled in closer.

"Aww, don't worry about me, Lauren's next door and our parents live a few streets away. But if you are worrying about it that much, we can wait if you want." I told him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"No, I'm really excited, I just don't want you to be alone when I'm not there." He said as he cuddled me back.

"I won't, don't Worry, are you sure you still want to do it?" I asked him.

"Yes, I promise" he said as he kissed the end of my nose.

"Awrh ok💜💜 shall we start packing babe?" I asked him. He nodded and suggested we got changed first.

"I'm going to wear my onesie to travel ok bbe? I've got a plain green one, it's to wear outside" I said to him. He nodded and agreed, he then got our his grey one to wear.

I grabbed my onesie and ran back into my bedroom to get my underwear etc, as Leo was starting to sort out his draws I quickly ran into the bathroom, and changed all of my clothing.

I then washed my hair over the bath and blow dryer it really quick, I chucked it into a high bun on my head and walked out the bathroom with my wash kit and hair dryer etc.

I walked into the bedroom and started to put my hair products into a suitcase.

I then ran into the dressing room with a suitcase and emptied my draws and wardrobes into it.

After about 20 minutes I realised I had to wake Lauren and Charlie up.

I didn't want to walk in though because I didn't know if they were dressed "appropriately" ahha and I didn't want to see anything I didn't want to..

So I shouted them and Lauren woke up, after a few minutes they both woke up and started to get ready.

After about two hours of sorting everything out, I pulled my last bags from under the bed.

I got all the food we bought out the fridge and put it into my freezer/cool bag.

The last bag I had, was the wallpaper, paint, and decorating products I bought.

"Hey babe!" I shouted Leo in, he came walking in and I explained that I bought it for my room, and then we both decided we could have our bedroom red and black, and hints of silver, Awrh.

After about 3 hours of checking everything, we had everything. We didn't leave a thing. At this point it was now quarter to one. (12:45) and we were ready. We walked outside to find Blair and Joey all packed and ready to leave.

"Ready?" Blair asked. We nodded and gave the hotel staff the keys back.

We then went into the town, and gift shops and bought souvenirs etc and gifts for our family and friends.

Leo bought this Silver clock, with two love birds either side that spin around.

"Why you getting that for?" I asked.

"So it can go in the middle of the fire place" he said as he payed for it and we left the shop.


We took about 4/5 hours shopping, yes we took ages, but it was fun and there were lots of shops🙊🙊

It was now almost six o'clock, our train was at half seven and it took an hour t get there, perfect.

7:45pm: Demiis P.O.V.

We have just got onto the train, we should be home at around 6:00am, we took the long one so we can sleep on the train, anyway, goodbye for now, I need some sleep, bye🙊💜🙊💜🙊💜

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now