A mini party

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Demi's P.O.V.

Charlie walked in the living room with 3 glasses, with Vodka mixed with Coke.

Lauren came in behind him with a glass of orange juice.

She looked at it and said "I feel sick, so I'll have this" I nodded and Leo cuddled against me on the sofa.

It's weird, 6weeks ago, I would be at home, looking for a job to get money.. And now, I've got my own home, that is like a mansion, tons of friends, and a boyfriend, that I will spend the rest of my life with, wow.

To be honest, me and Leo act like a married couple, we are all so 'lovey dovey' and Lauren and Charlie are more like the teenage couple, not the other way around.

Me and Leo are like the adults, Lauren and Chaflie the child version of us.

Even though they are older than us.

We all sat on the sofas, Lauren and Charlie on one, me and Leo on the other, all cuddled up.

22 Jump street has just came out on DVD, so we decided to watch that, we turned off the lights and shut the curtains, and we all started to watch it.

At the beginning it was kinda boring so I got out my Phone and was refreshing my twitter.

I went onto my mentions and saw I was starting to get a bit of hate, I ignored it and opened Instagram.

Because I'm with Leo, I gained thousands and thousands of followers, so I was reading through my DMs and saw one saying "hey beautiful, I'm so glad Leo is with someone as nice as you, your perfect, ignore the hate, there just jel, anyway, can you tell Leo to Follow me please? It would mean a lot🙊🙊" Awrh, I was smiling like an idiot now, I nudged Leo and he looked at my phone, I showed it him and he whispered "It's true beautiful, tell her I will later if I can" he then kissed my neck.

I replied back with "aww thanks babe, it means a lot, and Leo said he will message you later if he can xox" I then scrolled threw my newsfeed and likes a few pictures, I then put my phone away and continued to watch it.

I drank my Vodka and coke, so had Leo and Charlie, Lauren was only half way through her orange juice.

I then said "I'll go and pour us some more drinks" I said as I grabbed Lauren's hand "you can help me" I said as I helped her up.

I walked into the kitchen and shut the door behind us.

"Have you told him yet???" I asked Lauren in a whispering voice.

"No! I couldn't get around too it.. I was going to tell him.. And he started saying stuff like *just you and me, together in this house, all too ourselves* and I didn't know what to do!" Lauren shouted in a whisper voice.

Her eyes were all tearful, I think she's gonna cry.

"Hey it's alright, Charlie would love a baby! It would make you a proper family!" I told her as I gave her a hug.

"Maybe your right, but what if he don't, and he leaves?" She said as she wiped her face.

"Don't be dumb Loz, Charlie's not like that" I told her as I poured my vodka and coke.

"I know, I'll tell him tonight, if I can't, will you help?" She asked.

"Of course I'll help!" I said as I hugged her again.

As Lauren walked into the front room I called Leo "Leo, come here" I said.

As he walked in I grabbed his jacket/shirt and kissed him.

"Awrhh what was that for?" He asked.

"Just wanted a kiss" I said as he leaned in and kissed me again, I had to go on my tip tops a little bit, and then we ended up 'French kissing' I used to think it was disgusting, but.. It just feels right when I'm with Leo.

"Anyway" I said as he looked at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer.

"Will you drop hints to Charlie? Just mention something like *Me and Demi can't wait to have kids, do you want kids* just to see what he says babe?" I said as I kissed him again.

"Anything for you babyyyyy" he said as he kissed my forehead and picked up his and Charlie's drinks and then we both walked back into the front room, to continue our 'mini party'

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin