Throughtout the day.

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Leondre's P.O.V.


I've just got back from My parents home. And.. I visited Demi's home too. It was so hard. They took it worse than I thought.

I will only be able to rest when that monster is rotting behind bars. I then drive my car down to the nearest park and sat on the swing.

I opened by bag and found a mini bottle of vodka I had earlier on.

I took a small 'swig' from it and put it back in my bag👌👌

I took a few deeps breaths and was thinking over and over.

I received a message from Demi that read "Hey Leondre. Where are you?x" Even thought it's stupid, it still bothered me how she out the text.

Usually it would be "baby" or something like that, now "Leondre. And it would be "where are you?xxxxxxxxxx💖💖💖💖" not "where are you?x"

I'm just so fcking angry at that idiot!!

I jumped of the swing and kicked the fence. I didn't mean too, I didn't know what came over me.

I took another small swig from my bottle and out it on the floor next too me.

I held the phone in my hand and replied back to Demi with "on way home now. I'm going to the movie shop to buy some movies and pizza, and top up on some Nutella. We can have a movie night. What movies do you suggest?x" I pressed send and pressed the home button on my IPhone5.

I realised that I had being sitting at the park/field for two hours.

I picked up my bag. And put the bottle of Vodka into my bag.

I hopped into the car and remembered I had drunk alcohol.

So I would drive extra slow and extra safely.

A few minutes later I pulled up at dominos and fetched 2 pizzas.

I ran into the off licence next door and bought a bottle of orange juice, and another small bottle of vodka, just for tonight.

I walked into the next island bought a litre bottle of coke, I took it too the cash register and bought it.

I hopped into the car and made my way home. I had to pull into a huge posh estate with all of the big homes/mansions. I drove down the street and pulled onto my drive.

I sat in the car for a minute or two and took a deep breath.

Finally I shut the zip on my bag/Adidas pouch so that Demi wouldn't see the vodka bottle in there.

I picked up the pizza boxes and shut the car door.

Then I locked it with the button on the key and walked up to the front doors. I took a deep breath in last time. I had to be strong for my princess.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now