Doctors appoitment.

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Ok guys, I haven't done a "Charlie's P.O.V. for a long time, so I will try and do a small one here😊💖


Charlie's P.O.V.

I walked into the Dressing room in our house and opened my wardrobe.

I pulled out my black baggy jeans and grabbed my blue and green Aztec t-shirt from River Island. I walked into the bathroom, had a quick shower and threw on my clothing.

Quickly, I washed my face, brushed my teeth and ran my hands through my hair, because my curly 'quid' is just natural, I don't even have to brush it most days.

I walked out the room to find Lauren not in the bedroom.

I walked down the set of stairs and up the others.

"Lauren?" I said as I walked into the dressing room.

"Yea?" She said in her morning voice, which sounds quite sexy if I do say😉

"You can have the bathroom now bbe, Im ready" she nodded and pulled out her leggings and her baggy red Adidas shirt.

"I'm gonna go and have a quick shower. Will you go for Starbucks for me please?" She asked.

"Yea what do you want bbe?" I asked as I picked up my house keys, phone and stuck some cash into my back pocket.

"I'll send you a message babe" she said as she walked out the room and into the bathroom.

"Alright, bye! Call me if you need me Loz!" I shouted as I walked out the door.

Then I walked across the path and up to Leondres door. I knocked it and a few seconds after Leomdre answered. "Hello Leo, do you wanna come Starbucks?" I asked him.

"Hold on, I'll ask Demi if she wants anything."

I nodded as he walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted "do you want anything from Starbucks babe? I'm going with Charlie" a few seconds later she replied "yes pleaseeee, I'll have my usual"

"Ok then, I won't be long, Love ya" he shouted as he picked up his keys, phone and his small shoulder pouch.

He through it over his head and out his belongings into there.

"Love you too" Demi shouted down the stairs.

"Call me if you need anything, bye" He shouted as we walked out the door.

He jumped in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat.

He reversed off the drive and started to drive down the road when I asked him "How is she today?" He turned right at the end of the road.

He then replied "she is better than yesterday. She is comfortable around me again now, if you know what I mean" Leondre said.

"Ew Leondre your so dirty, I don't wanna know about your sex life!" I said laughing.

"No you idiot, I mean she isn't shy any more. And she talks to me properly, nothing like that you pleb haha" Leondre said.

"Oh.. Awkward haha" I said as I received a message.

I read it and saw that it was What Lauren wanted from Starbucks.

A few minutes later we pulled up at Starbucks and we both ran in. Leondre ordered first and then me.

Afterwards we went and sat at a table drinking our drinks, to give the girls extra time to get ready.

"Are you nervous.. Yanno,for today?" Leondre asked.

"Well,no not really.. We have already being to one before today. I'm kinda scared though, because when Demi.. Told Lauren.. Lauren attacked him&She was stamping on him, and She has being complaining with stomach pains, but her mom said it's normal in pregnancy" I told him honestly.

"See? Demi's hearts broken and Lauren's in pain, all because of that hormonal nob" Leondre said getting angry.

"Oi Oi, calm down mate, It's alright.. Lauren will be fine, and so will Demi!" I said as it calmed him down a little.

"What about the baby?" Leondre asked.

"I..I..I'm sure he will be fine.. And if not, that's what the doctors are for Leondre, calm down." I said reassuring him.

He nodded and a few minutes later we went home.

We waited outside in the car for The girls.

Lauren came out and hopped into the car in her outfit. When Leondre received a message on his phone. His face dropped when he read it.

"What's up mate?" I asked.

"It's Demi.. She doesn't wanna come out.." He said.

This is the last update for tonight guys, sorry but I'm sick and I haven't being to school today, love you all and I'll try my hardest to update tomorrow! Mwah!😘😘

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now