Getting ready..

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Charlie's P.O.V.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 02:23am. I had managed to have an hours sleep.

I'm in mine and Lauren's home, bit it was weird, the first night here, and I'm alone😔

My mind just can't understand it. Why didn't she tell me? Why did she walk out?

To be honest.. I don't know how I feel, all I know, is I was Lauren back in my arms, I miss her so much! If she was here we could talk about it.. But.. She's not😔 I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

Demi's P.O.V.
I hope Lauren's ok😩 she is my one and only best friend, I don't know what I would do without her.

We all love her so much💖 I am just praying, she doesn't do anything to get rid of the baby.

But I don't understand why she left, I'm sure Charlie would love a baby. Wouldn't he?

Lauren's P.O.V.

It's 7:45am now.

I just checked my phone, and saw a message. It was of Harvey.

*Hey babe, it's Harvey, hope everyone's ok, I'm just letting you know, me and Sarah are coming to see you homes today, hope you don't mind.. My phones ran out of battery so I can't reply, I'll be there at 9, love you all! Mwah! -From Harvey and Sarah💖💖💖*

*sigh* I got out of bed and opened my wardrobe.

I pulled out a red nike hoody, and my Black leggings.

Even though I didn't have a huge bump, I was still paranoid.

I threw on my clothes, went and had a wash, and out on my makeup, only a little bit of Lipstick, Mascara and a simple line of Black eyeliner.

I then put my hair in a high pony tail and straightened my fringe quickly.

Threw on my red vans to match my Jumper.I then got my mobile, keys, My empty purse and threw them into my white handbag.

Then I walked down the stairs and got all of my cash notes out of my coat pocket, and threw them into my purse.

I walked to the end of my street and hopped onto the bus.

When I was sitting on the bus, a few girls behind me asked for a picture and stuff, I took pictures it's them but made sure I had my jumper baggy' so you couldn't see my tummy.

I'm so paranoid and my bump isn't even visible yet.

At this point in time it was quarter past eight I'd only being awake half an hour😩😩

We had 45 minutes until Harvey and Sarah came around.

I hopped off the bus and walked to my front door.

I was as quite as I can so I didn't wake anybody.

Leo and Charlie were going out today,for tomorrow to buy some marbles and plants and things, so me and Demi can be house-wives and do some gardening🙊💜

Luckily there wasn't any bricks on the floor yet,so I wasn't too loud.

I walked to the door, put the key in and opened the door really quietly.

I saw Charlie asleep on the sofa, so I took of my shoes and out them by the door, it was confusing because in my mums house there was a shoe rack by the door, so you could pop your shoes on there so they dry off if there wet and you can just slide them back on when you needed too.

I walked into the kitchen super quietly and stuck a post-it note on the fridge saying:

Things to buy: marbles, bricks, flowers, shoe rack..

And left space to add other things onto it.

I then walked Into the living room to find Charlie waking up..

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now