Movie time

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Lauren's P.O.V.


We had 3 sofas, and eight pillows on the floor, with both of our bed covers. And there were 3 blankets on each sofa.

Me and Charlie were on the biggest sofa.

Sarah and Harvey were on another sofa.

And Demi and Leondre were on the last one.

On the floor on the pillows and blankets, was Joey, Jordi, Ryan, And Ollie.

Me and Charlie were in the kitchen making bowls of pop corn whilst Demi and Leondre were getting changed.

Charlie was singing to me and kept winking at me, he knew that drove me crazy.

I was tempted to kiss him so badly, he was just adorable, and then he came closer and wrapped his arms around my body in a bear hug, he then lent in closer and gave me a kiss. By the end of it we were kinda making out (whatever you want to call it!) but it didn't matter, it was only us in there, and we.. Well, we loved each other.

He just drives me crazy, and I get butterfly's in my tummy when I here his name and everything, Damn I love him.

We were all in the living room, all wrapped up, we were on the sofas under blankets with bowls of popcorn, and Overload was lying on there tummy facing the television, under a blanket thingy. They all had a bowl of popcorn each.

Harvey got up and dimmed the lights so we could see the screen clearer.

We were all arguing over what film to watch, and in the end we let the boys choose, they chose some action film, I can't think what it was called... Oh yea! It was 'hancock' the one with will smith in, I didn't mind because it had some romance in it.

Charlie was sitting behind me and I was lying with my head in his lap, as he was scrolling through his phone. I didn't look because I trusted him, and then I saw my name on the screen, I looked out the corner of my eye, and saw him tweet:

"Watching Movies all night with these lot. With my best friends and my future wife, and eating popcorn, perfect💜💜💜" I couldn't help but notice the "future wife" part, Awrh!!

Demi's P.O.V


We were all watching movies in the living room, I wasn't watching it much, I was thinking. I couldn't stop thinking of that kiss. It was amazing, I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He drives me crazy. The kiss must of meant something, it was perfect.

I remembered when I saw Ryan kiss that girl earlier on.

Leo was sitting up and I was leaning up him with my feet on the sofa. I whispered to Leondre "Does Ryan have a girlfriend?" He looked down at me and said "He did, but he broke up with her last night I think, why?" He asked. "Oh, I saw him kiss a girl at the water park that's all" I explained he nodded and said "oh ok, don't worry about it, have you spoke to your mom yet today?" He asked "yea, I spoke to her this morning, here, we can send her a selfie?" I said laughing. He pouted and I stuck out my tounge. Hip sent it to her saying "having a great time mom, went swimming and now watching Hancock, were safe in the hotel now, night love you." I said reassuring her. Leo then got his phone out and did the same to his mom. We sent her a selfie too. "Does she know I'm here?" I asked him. "Yea, she does, she can't wait to meet you😊" he replied.

I froze. Wait? What? I'm actually going to meet his family yaaaaay😃😃 "ok, can't wait either" I said as I grabbed a handful of popcorn.

Within a couple of minutes. My mom replied with "ok babe. Have a good time. Stay safe, bye" I replied with a smiley face and locked my phone.

We was half way through Hancock when Leo's mum replied back, I didn't read it because it was for him, but he showed it me. It read. "AWRH!! Your right! She is beautiful, I can't wait to meet her, I hope my grand children will be as beautiful as her" with a wink emotion at the end. I started laughing and ate some more popcorn.

He replied back " I know, don't worry they will be, there will be about ten "Little Leondres and little Demi's" in a few years haha, night mum, love ya!" He replied,I couldn't help but smile, Awrh💜💜

I won't update again until tomorrow now, thanks for the views and comments!💛😘

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now