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Leondres p.o.v.

After Demi stormed out I felt really bad. I don't know why, I'm trying to help her. And she is making it out that were forcing her, we're not.we just want to help her.

I walked into the living room and opened the cabinet drawer and grabbed my Ipad.

I unlocked it and scrolled threw my twitter. I answered some Direct messages and followed a few people. I searched For Demi's Twitter name too see what she has uploaded.

She had only updated twice since.. Yea..

The first one was:
-Like 2Pac says.. Keep your head up, things are gonna get easier🙏🙏🙏..

And the seconds one was:
- 💔💔💔💔💔💔

Just broken heart symbols. Did I upset her?

I was looking through the retweets and I saw all of the people asking if she is ok. But she hasn't answered any of them.

As I was scrolling through my Social medias, Lauren said "You and Demi can come to the baby scan if you want too, Demi said she will so you can come if you want too" I nodded and did a small smile.

I messaged Demi quickly on my Iphone5.

"Come downstairs, pizza is gonna go cold and were pouring our drinks now x" I messaged her with.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed 4 glasses and the boxes of pizza.

I poured them all A glass of coke and when I took the bottle back into the kitchen I poured a drop or two of vodka into my glass. I heard Demi walking down the stairs so I put the lid on and chucked it into the bottom cupboard. I turned around and passed Demi her drink and hugged her.

As I hugged her she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to storm out like that and kick off. I just don't want to be pressured into this. But I promise, I will do it.. But just not yet." She said as she hugged me back.

"I'm sorry to, I didn't want you to feel like your being forced into this. We are just trying to help. But I won't rush you, I'll wait until your ready to tell them." I said as I pulled away from the hug and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, pizzas going cold" I whispered and pulled her into the living room.

I sat on the sofa and pulled Demi from behind so she sat on my lap. "So are youse two coming tomorrow?" Lauren asked.

We both looked across at her and Demi replied "yea, what time is it?" She then started playing with the zip on my jacket.

"The appointment is at 10:45, so we need to be there for 10:30, and Blair isn't one hundred percent where the hospital is so were gonna leave at 10:15. Were waking up at 09:00 but it depends how long you will talk to get ready" Charlie said to us.

"alright, we will get up at nine as well." Demi replied.

And then we were all eating pizza and talking, Afterwards Lauren suggested to watch a film, and we didn't know what to watch so we decided to watch "drop dead Fred".

After a while I realised that Demi went really quiet. Hmm, what's wrong with her😣😣

Demi's P.O.V.

I'm dreading tomorrow. I'm absolutely dreading it, I haven't left the house in about a week.

It happened on the day before Leondre came home. Leondre has being home nearly 4 days, so I haven't left the house in 5 days. I'm just worried, I didn't think I would ever be able to show my face to Leondre, my partner, so how will I be when I see strangers outside?😔😔

I looked down into my lap and saw the bandages around my wrist. I pulled my sleeves down a little more, Leondre already knew they were there, but I didn't want Lauren and Charlie making a fuss over nothing. The bruises across my neck and the one Under my eye were stinging me. It felt asif someone was prodding me in the face 100 times with a pencil.

That's another reason I don't want to go out. The bruises on my face, what if a fan sees us, and asks for a picture. They will ask how I got it. Argh😒

I was getting worried and making myself upset so I snuggled into Leondre's chest as I put my knees up to my chest.

"Baby? Are you alright?" Leondre whispered in my ear.

"I don't know Leo.." I admitted.

"Why? What's bothering you?" He asked.

"Tomorrow, I guess.. I haven't left the house in 5 times. It will be the first time, I guess im just a bit nervous" I said as I cuddled my body against his.

"Ok dem, don't worry though, were all here." He reassured me as he wrapped his arms around my body and cuddled closer to me.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin