Next day.

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Demi's P.O.V.


I woke up and Leondre wasn't in the room. I saw that the wash bag we bought was open so I decided he must of had a shower.

I didn't bother sitting up I just lay in bed and tapped my phone to see the time, it read "10:04" I rolled back over and the door opened slightly. I put my head under the quilt and pretended to be asleep.

He walked in with just his tracksuit bottoms on. I was gonna pretend to be asleep but I jumped up and screamed "ARGHHH" He jumped back about a metre and screamed.

"AHAHAHAHAH" I laughed. I couldn't control my laughter.

"You shouldn't do that!" Leondre mumbled and took a deep breath because he was scared.

"I'm sorry..i..had..too.." I managed to say I between laughs.

"Whatever" he replied and smiled at me☺️☺️

"Come on get ready, guess where were going?" He said and dived onto the bed.

"Where?" I asked as I lay back with my head next to his.

"Drayton manorrrrr" He shouted and bounced the bed.

"Woooo" I said😎😎😎😎

"And guess where were going tomorrow?" He shouted again.


"Thorpe parkkkkkk!!!"


"Urm, Lauren can't go on rides?" I said.

"Na, there going to play the little games, the hook a duck and stuff" He said.

"So it's just us?" I asked and stood up off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe.

"Yep" he replied.

"Let's wear matching then" I decided🙊

"Yea, I'm wearing my white baggy shirt and my blue baggy jeans" He told me and showed them me.

"I'll wear.. My white skinny jeans, and my blue 'boob tube' with a blue belly 'see through' top over it" I said as I held them up.

"With Blue sandals." I added.

"With white blazers" he added picking up his shoes.

"Deal" I said putting my hand out.

"Deal" he agreed and shook my hand and put his nose in the air and then started laughing. We can never be serious for less than thirty seconds😂😂

I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door and had a wash. I brushed my teeth and then got changed quickly. I brushed my hair in the mirror and put it into a very high ponytail. I ran back to the bedroom and grabbed my hair straighters. There was a plug in the corner of the bathroom so I straightened my pony tail and threw on my clothes and shoes.

Half way down the stairs Leondre called me "Hey Demi wait for me" a few seconds later he walked out and he looked Perfect.

"Awrh you look nice" I said.💜💜

"And you look beautiful" he replied and kissed my cheeks. Our fingers entwined and I looked in the mirror on the way down the stairs and admired my beautiful king, straight brown hair with blonde highlights.💜🙈

We all had breakfast and went out to the car. Leondre was driving so I was in the passenger seat and Lauren and Charlie in the back.

We pulled up at Drayton manor and payed for our tickets. Me and Leondre left Lauren and Charlie and agreed to meet up with them at 2:00 for food.

"What time is it babe?" Leondre asked☺️☺️

"It is..12:01" I read out as I threw my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Two hours to go on at least 4 rides, then food, and then we have from half two till 4 to go on the rest we didn't to on, alright babe?" He said.

"Yea of course, but first let's go on 'Shock wave' come on!" I shouted as we ran over to it. We had fast track so that no fans saw us in the ques so we got straight on.

I sat in my seat and held onto the bar. Leondre hand was on his bar next to mine so I grabbed it.

"You gonna out your hands in the air?" I asked.

"If you do" he replied. I was actually nervous for this ride,it wasn't scary it was just fast and made your tummy turn a little.

The ride started and slowly went up the track.

"You let go, I let go" he whispered.

"Alright. After 3" I said as I squeezed his hand.

It was almost the top so I said "3..2..1.." And we dropped.

I remembered what he said 'you let go, I let go." So I let go and threw my hands in the air, I tried to smile but I didn't know if we was or not.

We went into the room to look at the photo and it was really nice, it took it when we both let go and it dropped.

I bought it as a keyring and Leo bought it as a normal photo.

We then went in malstorm, G-Force, drunken barrels, bounty (the pirate ship😉) and then made our way to apocalypse. The big drop. Oh'god.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now