Visiting his family

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Demi's P.O.V.

I'm so nervous! What if I mess up, or they don't like me, argh god, I'm working myself up over this!

Leo kept smiling at me on the way in the taxi/cab.

"What's wrong?" He asked in his adorable accent.

"Nothing.." I paused. "What if they don't like me?" I asked.

"Don't be silly they will love you, I promise." He said.

"Ok, but what if I mess up and make myself look stupid?" I said to him.

"You won't, just be yourself,and they will like you for who you are, just be real, don't act fake" he said to me as he got his money out his pocket to pay the man.

"Come on then, were here, don't worry it will be fine, I promise." He said reassuring me.

I nodded, took a death breath, and stepped out the car/van.

We both got our bags out as we started to walk up the drive towards the door,where Leondres beautiful mum was waiting to greet us with a huge smile across her face. Awrh💜💜.

Victoria ran straight past Leo and ran and gave me a hug, Awrh.
"Hey sweetie, come on in, I'll take your bags come inside" she said with a smile as she walked into the house with my bag.

Leo looked at me with a straight face and I shrugged.

I grabbed Leo's hand and we walked in.

"Do you want pancakes? What topping?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Urm, just sugar please." I replied as I sat in the sofa.

"I'll have lemon and sugar please mom" Leo shouted.

A few minutes later she bought them in on some new looking posh plates.

"Thanks" I said politely

"I like the new plates mom" Leo said as she elbowed him.

Leo then walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

"You don't have to try and impress me, I've being nervous about meeting you, I have being dreading this day since Leo said I was going to meet you, I don't want you to dislike me, but I just want you to be yourself?" I said with a smile.

"Really?" She said with a sigh of relief.

"Yea, just be yourself, I don't want you to dislike me and stop Leo from being with me.." I admitted.

"Hey, I wouldn't ever do that, and I didn't want you to leave leo because he has an annoying mum" she said to me.

"No, I'd never leave him like that, I want to be with him for the rest of my life.. And your not annoying" I said to her smiling.

"Ok haha" she said.

Leo then returned to the room😊😊.

We all sat there for about 1 and a half hours just talking, laughing, and watching television.

"What time is the viewing?" Victoria asked.

"Half past two" Leo told her.

"Ok, it's quarter past two now, go and take your bags upstairs and I'll put on my shoes." She said.

We both stood up and then Leo's dad walked threw the door.

"Oh hey Leo! Hey...Demi?" He said.

"Yea haha, hey😊" I said with a smile.

"Have they being treating you right?" He said with a chuckle.

"Yea haha, I'm fine" I replied.

"Alright, shall I come to the viewing or stay here?" He asked.

"Come if you wanna?" Leo said as we walked up the stairs.

He nodded and walked Into the living room.

Ten minutes later we were there.

The house was.. Huge, beautiful, bright, homely, it just looked amazing and we haven't even being inside yet!🙊🙊

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now