The next day.

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After talking to Leondre last night I realised that I can trust him. I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

He never would, the only problem is Ellie. I don't know what's she is like, maybe I'm just over reacting, I don't know.

Taking off the quilt I climbed out of bed and walked into the dressing room.

I looked in the mirror to see my skinny pale body staring back at me. My ribs were visible and it made me cringe. The only part of fat on my tummy was my breasts.

I think that's where all the fat on my body is stored😂

Opening my wardrobe I flick threw my clothes noticing that I only have clothes that are tight and will be able to see my figure. But today I was feeling uncomfortable.

Most of the time I would try to dodge mirrors so I wouldn't see my body. But last night I slept in my underwear& looked in the mirror. How stupid of me.

I walked towards my clothing cabinet and pulled out my black leggings and then looked inside my top draw for a cardigan.

I couldn't find one so I took out a cream jumper and changed my underwear.

Quickly I threw on my fresh clothes and sat in front of the mirror.

Grabbing a wipe I rub my face and rub off the little bit if mascara off that I have remaining on my face.

Looking into the mirror I feel a wave of sadness run over me. Depression. Fear, and many other emotions.

Snapping out of my thoughts I pick up my hair brush and start the brush my hair.

Moving my fridge reveals the bruise under my eye, which is still there. It has being about two weeks, and I still have the bruise.

Trying to ignore it I continue to brush my hair, lifting up my arms my jumper rises and reveals another black bruise on my hip, some how it it darker than the one on my face.

Rubbing my fingers over it a single tear rolls down my right cheek and I take a big breath to gain air.

"Demi?" I hear, causing me to jump slightly. I turn my back to see Leondre standing in the door way in his track suit bottoms and no-top.

Leondres P.O.V.


Seeing her cry kills me. It physically rips me apart. Not knowing what to say I step forward and open my arms for a hug.

Sorry I haven't being updating. I had a big school, sporting championship today so I have being training for that and things. I will try to get back on track though. I hope this chapter is enough to keep you happy for a few hours, Mwah!😘

Love you all💖💖

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now