Thursday morning.

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Demi's P.O.V.


Last night we watched about 3 movies, Hancock, OMG, And another movie, I fell asleep so I don't know what it was. We all fell asleep in the living room.

Today was the day of the concert, the reason that they even came here.

They had rehearsals all day and we could of being in the way, so Me and Lauren decided to spend the day alone, I hadn't spent much time with her in the holiday so far.

Leo, Charlie and the lads had to leave early on the morning to get to the studio on time, so they had breakfast said goodbye and left, I don't remember them waking me to say goodbye but Lauren does, they left a note anyway, it read:

Morning girls😊 It's Leo and Charlie here.. And Jordi, Joey, Ryan, and Ollie.. And were OVERLOAD!!

We have to leave early to get to the studios🙀

Anyway, have fun, see you both later🙊

Concert starts at 7:00pm, come in and they will show you were our dressing room is!😊

Bye! We all love ya both!! Byeeee x

When I woke up and read it we both started laughing. "What shall we do today then?" I asked her.

"Well.. We haven't had a proper shopping trip have we?" She said laughing "No haha, let's shop till we drop" I replied as we both walked into the dressing room.

The room had black shiny walls, with a silver glittery carpet and a white ceiling.

The wardrobes were black, and out dressing tables were silver, with white lights above our mirrors. It was such a nice room.

I opened my wardrobe door,and pulled out my light blue jeans, and chucked on my dark blue jumper and threw on my UGG boots.

I then sat at my dressing table at started to straighten my hair. Lauren was doing the same.

I straightened the front of my hair and decided to 'crinkle' it instead, so I pulled my crinklers out of my bottom draw, and crinkled my hair quickly, and with the part that I had straightened I clipped it and put it into a 'quiff'.

Me and Lauren then decided to take a few pictures in the mirror🙊🙈.

When we were ready we walked out of the hotel room and saw one of Blairs body guards. "Hello, I'm Andy, Alex told me to check on you Incase you needed help, do you want me to come with you today to make sure your ok?" Lauren shook her head and smiled "No thanks Andy, were only going to do a little bit of shopping, and we have hats and sunglasses😜" she replied.

"Ok then, I'll inform Alex, see you later girls." We both said bye and popped our black sun glasses on as we jumped into the lift.

Instead of going in a limo, we wanted it to be like old times so we jumped into a taxi/cab and asked him to take us to the closest shopping centre, we didn't know what it was called because we didn't know the area very well.

Five minutes later we were there. It was quarter past ten so we decided to have McDonalds breakfast.

Once we finished eating it was twenty to eleven, we decided to start shopping.

4 Hours later


We've being shopping for four hours. Together we have spent 400 pound, whoops!! I have 500 pounds left from the money my dad gave me. Lauren has 475, we have so many bags, the day has being so fun, we walked into the shop and anything we liked we just out it into our baskets, we have about 20 different bags from different shops🙊🙊

We both bought a dress for the concert, mine was Red with a zip on the back of my neck, and I bought some white "dolly shoes" and so,em white necklaces and jewellery, nothing special, just something new to wear.

And Lauren's dress was Blue with a silver diamond design around the waist. She bought silver jewellery with hers, we're were both planning to do our hair again, because we wanted to take pictures😂😂 our phones are full of 'Selfies'. I was looking forward to tonight because it would be fun and Sarah is bringing her friend as well, we have 2 double beds in the spare room, and the hotel said they are going to add one more.

Because overload and Harvey and the rest of them lot are staying at ours again tonight, we are quite excited 😊 now it was half past two so we decided to make our way back to the hotel. We called for he can/taxi and a few minutes later it was here.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now