Chapter 44

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My heart pounded in my chest like a bird in it's cage. I felt a sinking feeling settle inside of me. My stomach dropped at his words.

"What?" Antonio's voice appeared too.

My chest felt like it would burst out soon. I could almost Imagine Antonio looking down at me and then dragging me from under the bed. Throwing me straight into the lion's cage.

There were no sounds for a second. And then a shattering sound made me bite my lips in fright. Broken peaces of glass shattered around the floor. And I knew this was Christofer's work of art.

"Who?" His voice was deadly quiet. It brought shivers down my spine.

"We don't know, sir. But you have to listen to this. We have some doubts" Vincent muttered.

Doubts? What were they talking about? There was someone in thier Mafia. Betraying them. Selling information to the enemies. To my family. Who could it be? I would have known the person.

I should have been happy. I should have been fucking ecstatic that my family was doing great. But I wasn't. I felt sad. Almost angry. I was angry that someone had betrayed Christofer. But why should I care?

I shouldn't

Yes, I shouldn't care. But I did. And it worried me to no end. I was angry at whoever it was. And I was angry at myself. Because I got myself into this mess. Why did I steal from Antonio? Why couldn't I find someone else? Anyone.

But I stole from the enemy Mafia's second man. And I got myself into this mess. Because now I was working for the enemy. Because I was a traitor to my family. I was.

"Doubts? I need fucking answers!" Christofer exclaimed making my grip on my lips harden. I could feel the blood on my lips.

"Who are you doubting?" Antonio asked.

It took me a moment of realiziation. I stiffled the gasp that was about to escape my lips. Antonio. He was the traitor! Antonio found out about my identity in a matter of a day. And he didn't tell his boss. He should have. But he didn't because he wasn't faithful.

He was blackmailing me and using the truth against me. Whilst even if he was dying to blackmail me a true second man would have told the truth without hesitation. I would have. Dino would have.

But Antonio was the traitor. He had to be.

"Sir, we think-" Vincent stuttered.

"We think it's Gabriella"

A minute of silenece was enough to make me insane. The words registered a little too late before I felt myself loose oxygen. My stomach dropped and I felt my knees weaken. My head dropped to the floor soundlessly.

"Gabriella? Are you crazy, Vincent?" Felix exclaimed in anger.

"Felix, I don't want to believe in this just as much as you don't. You know I like Gabriella. But think about this. The infirmation started to slip right after Gabriella came here. " Vincent exclaimed.

We think it's Gabriella

The same words kept repeating in my head.
What were they talking about? I would have never. My fingers shook and I felt the tears prickle down my face.

"What information are you talking about?" Antonio asked angrily.

We think it's Gabriella

"Information about the houses. Plans to free the girls. That girl has connections with the russian's too. Don't you find it strange that she knew about Victor and the houses? I say it was all a play. And then she chickened and shot Victor when she thought he'd say the truth." Vincent muttered sadly.

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