Chapter 99

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Guys I know I have been gone for some time now. I'm extremely sorry but thankful at the same time. I don't have to explain my life but I think you guys deserve to know what's been going on.
I'm in an extremely hard International school. I go out at 7 AM and get home after 6 PM. I spend the rest of my day relaxing/studying.
I TRY updating whenever I can and I'm thankful to all the people who stick with me and wait for me.
MY INSTAGRAM IS GONE! I forgot my password and I cannot access again! If I don't manage to get there I will create an Instagram for ALL of my wattpad books!

Oh, and


Don't read if you have a weak stomach or can't handle harsh things This Is honestly advised. You've been warned. 

Love you!

"The boy's heart is giving out. The doctors are performing a medical procedure as we speak. There's a fifty percent chance he won't make it!" The nurse said, making my heart drop.

I felt like I was standing in the middle of a storm. The heavy rain was making my vision blurry, whilst the wind was rushing past my ears, blocking any sound but its actual whistling. The feeling of dread consumed me from everywhere.

Panic settled inside of me, making blood rush all over my body. I started to shake. I jumped up, dropping the book from my hands.

"How?" I shouted.

"What happened!?" I got my hands on the nurse, shaking her.

"Calm down, Gabriella!" Felix exclaimed, making my blood boil.

"Don't tell me to calm down! What the fuck is wrong with you? He's dying!" My voice broke in anger.

"I KNOW THAT DAMN WELL, GABRIELLA!" Felix shouted at me, silencing me.

"Fel" Isabella whispered. His face morphed into horror once he realized what he did.


"Cut it out, Felix. What's wrong with Chris? What happened?" I shouted, ignoring the hurt.

"Mis. You need to calm down and go back to bed. Your head injury is much more serious than you think-"

"I asked you a question!" I exclaimed, losing my patience.

"If you calm do-"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER?" Isabella shouted loudly.

"We were assuming the fluid build up was the cause. But the boy's lungs have been getting washed for days now. His heart rate has been unsteady since the incident where he first reacted to his surroundings after the coma. We're assuming this is an emotional trauma. It's his way of reacting to his wife's screams" She said, making me feel light headed.

I stumbled on my feet.

"Woah! Are you alright?" Felix asked in worry as he caught me. I raised my hand, stopping him from talking.

"W-what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Oh, dear. Have a sit" The nurse said, shaking her head. I tried to protest but they sat me down on the couch. Isabella started fanning me with her hands.

"I'm fine," I said, flinching at a migraine that was starting to form.

"Tell me what do you mean? How could he react to my screams?" I asked. The nurse sighed, looking at me.

"Emotional distress. That's his way of letting us know he's here. He's fighting. That he can hear us" She said, making my eyes widen.

He can hear us

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