22 | Approaching Storms

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Later that day when Karma and I, along with Karasuma and Irina had returned from visiting the two towns, the second one being the town of Iris. Unfortunately later that day, a heavy rain shower had kept us locked indoors for the remaining hours.

"It's hectic out there isn't it?" Karma spoke as I peered out of the closed window in the royal dining hall. I don't understand it at all as it was bright and sunny this morning.

"Hurry up and take a seat before the food arrives." Karma dragged me away from the gloomy weather and pulled out a chair for me. I took a seat and so did Karma.

The servants finally came through the arch doors, with their carts rolling towards the long table. Setting dishes in front of us and soon leaving right after. There was at least one butler who stood off to the side, but even Karma had dismissed him.

"Are we not going to talk about the girl we saw in Wisteria Falls?" I resurfaced the question that has been on both our minds since.

"We already see things as of. It's normal for us to see things others can't. Maybe there are more people that only we can see." Karma explained.
"But why of that little girl of all people?" I asked.

Karma took his knife and cut his steak, and ate it before he replied. He dabbed the napkin on his lip and proceeded.

"A coincidence." He said.

"Any other better ideas?" I sighed, "am I crazy for making this a bigger deal than it already is? Karma I'm truly worried. In fact I'm scared." I confessed.

Karma set down his silverware and finished chewing. I guess discussions like this at this time, we won't be able to eat within the juncture given.

"I assure you that that's nothing to be afraid of. It was of a little girl, what harm could she do? Besides Nagisa, aren't there more important issues that need to be spoken of? Like what Karasuma said about Takaoka?" He shifted the conversation and I ended up letting the girl go.

"He's locked up." I pointed out, "what else is there to talk about? He was after my head, I understand as the punishments will follow. I presume that he'll be hanged." I took a spoonful of candied potatoes.

"Hang you say?" Karma lightly chuckled, leaving a mysterious smirk. "It's not that simple. His actions will not be cleaned just by hanging by thread."
As Karma spoke I could sense a delicate line of bloodlust. I swallowed and became all tense.

"What do you mean?" I approached slowly. "How will his life be taken? Torture to death? Doesn't that go against your principles?" I took a sip of wine.

"He'll be decapitated by my sword." Karma finally revealed and I dropped my spoon.

What was I surprised about? The fact that death penalties like this was normal, and I wasn't fazed? Or the fact that Karma, being the man that he is, will execute it?

"But what about..."

"I gave him the freedom to speak his mind. That is the man I am. I won't restrain someone because of their will. But what they do, I have every right to act upon it. I gave Takaoka the time he wanted, he was the one trying to assassinate you, and tried again the other day. It's only natural that this is how things will end." Karma took another bite of his food.

"Public execution?" I asked.

"Would it be anything else?" Karma replied.

"No, forget I said it." I didn't have the will to continue my meal. I set the napkin that was on my lap back on the table and pushed out the chair.

"Retiring so soon?" Karma asked.

"I don't feel so well." I nodded my head, "just a lot happened today." I explained.

"I understand." Karma picked up the bell on the table and ringed it to get the attention of the servants. They came scurrying in to his command and cleared the dishes.

"I'll walk you back." Karma insisted but honestly, I didn't feel comfortable at all. Maybe it's because since we got here, Karma and I know that blood will be spilled over the course of our reign. But so soon? That Karma will have to dirty his hands for me.

On our way back Karma had stayed silent until we made it back to my chamber door.

"T-thanks." I said as the two guards moved aside for me to open the door.

"Well finish our conversation tomorrow, until then get some rest." Karma reached for me out of impulse but all of a sudden he stopped. Dropping his hand to his side and turned around and walked off.

The opened the door and the shadow of the guards blackened over as I shut the door. I turned on the lights and just sat on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong with me?" I quietly said aloud.
I've never opposed executions before, why am I wavering now? Especially the man who tried to take my life? Why am I wavering?

"Because you detest death."

Someone's voice echoed in my mind and I found myself staring at the little girl who I saw later on in the day. She carried a book in her arms and she looked very shy and small.

"You tried to communicate with me today, who are you?" I questioned leaving the bed and slowly walking over.

She took a few steps back and covered her face with the book. Even though she was small, she looked to be around seven or eight years old.

"Queen Yua will never forgive death, because it stole something precious from her. Even if she hated it, she couldn't help but to embrace it blindly. Those feelings and uneasiness runs through your veins, Sir." The girl's hand started to tremble as she placed the book on the ground. She took a few more steps back and then I could actually see her depressed expression. Tears on the verge of streaming down her cheeks.

"Everything happens for a reason and unfortunately you will have to face the same kind of torment."

Soon enough the girl disappeared and the book itself became a tangible object for me to pick up. It was a simple leather diary with a lock on it. Without the keys present, there was no way to open it.

I thought about the things the little girl had told me. Is it true that I'm like this because death is the answer and that I hate myself for even thinking of it as an option?

I'm such a hypocrite. For saying things so one-sidedly back then when my life was threatened by another and I chose death as a penalty.
I sank down on the ground with the book in my hand and took in a long despairing sigh.
And I will face the same fate?

This just proves that even my mind is ruled by the Queen. What thoughts are really mine?

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