58 | Sweet Scent of Salvation

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The next day, I came to Nagisa's door early in the morning. Technically, it was Queen Yua's at the moment however, it's not a big deal.
I had discussed for another conference with everyone over the situation bestowed upon the kingdom, which included Karasuma, Yua, and Kaede. For now, it's best not to involve Mamoru and Aika. And that is because if the calculations are correct, Mamoru's life is in danger.

"Queen Yua, are you up?" I knocked on the door.
At first there was no reply, but then the door slightly creeped open. I couldn't see her, though I could hear her quiet voice.

"W-what is it?" She replied.

"I came to fetch you. What I said yesterday's before I left-."

"Yes I'll be out soon." She slammed the door in my face with interruption.

What was that all about?
I stood back and scratched my head.
Well it doesn't matter, she should hurry soon; the others are waiting for us.
The entire walk there, it was utter silence from her. She purposefully didn't meet my gaze, nor did she strike a small conversation. I did know that she was flustered for some odd reason, with her ears bright red.
It kindly reminded me of Nagisa.

"Will it be alright for you? We've brought one of the captured criminals during the insurgence." I looked over as we walked towards the conference room.
She nodded her head without speaking and walked faster away from me.

No matter who you look at it, even when she is rushing, her posture is well trained. To think that being a spirit for so long, didn't have an effect on her whatsoever.

We made it to the conference room with everyone waiting our arrival. They all stood up once they saw us entering and greeted.
To the side was a man with chained cuffs around his wrist and a muzzle to keep him quiet. On his left cheek looked to be a small gash, not healed. His misty green eyes caught my attention, before I could look away and talk.

"Thank you for coming on short notice." I nodded my head forward. "Shall we begin?"
Karasuma closed the door and motioned Queen Yua to sit down on the couch, across from Kaede.

"My Queen. It's honor to be in your presence." Kaede lowered her head formally and waited for a reply.
"To have such loyal comrades is an honor." She gracefully smiled back, holding back the ill tongue of hers. It was like that aloof side never existed.

"As you may know already, Nagsia's older brother is being targeted. But we don't know how the poisoning of the current Queen comes into context. We've ruled out the fact that it's two separate parties, but it's becoming quite a predicament." Kaede reminded everyone. "Any thoughts?"

Queen Yua broke eye contact with Kaede and glanced over at the criminal. The man suddenly jumped to her gaze and inch back a bit.

"Why not ask him? Surely they won't tell you everything, but when you make a deal, things can work in your favor." Yua got up and made her way towards the man. She leaned slightly over and removed his muzzle. "How about it? Care to play a game?"

"Nonsense. We can't bid a compromise with the enemy." Karasuma stated.

"He's right. How do we know if they're lying or not?" Kaede agreed.

Yua gazed over at me, like she wanted me to side with her. She straightened her back and spoke,
"with all the captured insurgents, what are their fates?" She asked.

"Those who committed arson are to serve fifteen years locked away. For those who committed arson and murdered people, will be sent to the gallows." I choked slightly on my words as they were direct orders from the current King.

But death amongst those who kill, is imminent, isn't it?

Queen Yua faced the criminal again and came eye level to the man on his knees. She casually examined him like he was a piece in a museum.

"I'm presume you're one of the ones being sent to the gallows. I heard the fibers in the ropes that will tie around your neck to choke the life out of you, will be gruesomely uncomfortable." She whispered audibly to him.

"What's your game?" He snarled.

"Oh you were able to get a good one." She turned around with her expression lit with excitement, "this one wants to live." Her hands devilishly grabbed his chin and she seductively, while still in Nagisa's body, teased him.

The air in the room grew strained, but alluring to the matter that the course was finally changing. Even with Karasuma's style of interrogations, he was not able to break many people.

Though with one simple glare from Queen Yua, they fear their fates, desperately trying to grasp support.

"If I'm right, correct me if I'm wrong dear." She began, "those ordered to kill, are more special than those who just play with fire. You have ranks amongst yourselves, no?"

"That's right." He carefully chose his words.

"Well then, tell me this. Are you the same people who tried poisoned the Queen?" Her bluntness increased the tension.

He swallowed and sighed.

"Y-yes." He replied.

"Who is paying you?" She continued.

"A-a woman. But she didn't give a name. She came to us with a job and we just solely did it for the money." He explained.

"Money? You'd take lives just so you have cash to gamble on?" Kaede clicked her tongue and crossed her arms in a disgusted response.

"Not everyone shared the intent to kill on purpose. If you would believe me, many died by my hands on accident." He diverted his gaze in shame.

As I listened to the fear festering in his voice, it would be safe to trust him. Though as a criminal, you can't accept all of him.

I watched all of their reactions to his words and judging by how angry Karasuma was, he didn't want to trust him completely.

"Where is this unknown woman you speak of? Are you still in contact?" Kaede added. "Physical description?"

"No. Once she paid us, we went our separate ways. She was also wearing a thick black cloak, we couldn't see the slightest of her." He answered, "plus, we have not received anything else since then."

Suddenly Karasuma jolted with a bursting epiphany that could help. "What kind of payment was it?"

Yua and I also grew an interest to the question. With this, this can tell us what class she is from.

"Some cash, however mostly expensive high-class  jewelry, precious stones and pendants with diamonds. I couldn't see everything in the bag, but when our leader held it in his hands, there were many engravings of serpents on the golden pendants."

With confusion we all looked at each other, knowing what the clues led to. In our hearts, we gravely knew that she had to be a noble. And those of noble status possess those kind of riches. By now it was obvious with the snakes on the pendants.
Though we could be wrong because, many flawed jewels having serpents here and there. What are the coincidences?

"All of this to capture a man, was it?" Karasuma asked.

"Yes, by the name of Shiota, Mamoru. We were paid to capture him alive. Arson was just a side job of ours, as planned by that woman." He explained.

No matter how much we dismissed it, this was it. Just combine the need to capture Mamoru, female noble, snakes, and the fact that Shiota, Hiromi is also missing in the midst of all of this, just shows how intricate this all is.

Our enemy that has riled up the kingdom in alarm, was all but a lone woman with a burning need for revenge and closure. Nagisa's and Mamoru's one and only mother.

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