37 | Hand of God

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After tea Karma went on to talk privately with his parents. I was able to get my share of light conversations partially with his mother, along with stories about his father.

Both Yuriko and I kept each other company, but not in the gazebo. We found another location in the same area, but underneath what seemed to be a giant fig tree. The broad extensions of heavy branches threw me off guard, as it's been my first time seeing such a massive tree in these parts of the kingdom.

Yuriko sat down carefully so that she wouldn't wrinkle her dress. I even took it upon myself to help her make sure her dress wouldn't get ruined.

"So you love my brother?" Yuriko asked with her eyes reflecting me. 

I choked on the question and instantly turned red.

"I care for him." I cleared my throat without directly answering the entirety of it.

"That's good then." Yuriko nodded her head, "My brother needs someone to support him. I for one cannot be that support of course. I'm glad that he trusts someone other than us." She spoke.

Her voice was youthful of its virginity. A kind soul that doesn't come often in royal families.

"If anything I rely on Karma too much. He's selfless."
I explained, "I admired him enough to one day be as strong as him."

Yuriko giggled to herself and hid her expression. She sighed and looked out into the distance, where the gardeners were clipping away at the shrubs.

"Karma used to be a terrible person growing up. He had bad company and I tried to be some kind of guiding light." Yuriko glanced down. "You must know the Asano's? Our families are closely knit that those two were inseparable. His past was full of wrong doings and mischief, I call it shame every time I think about it."

I didn't know whether I am supposed to be hearing Karma's past. He's never brought it up with me and I just assumed he didn't want to bring it up for a reason. I feel dirty for even listening to these memories. However, when I learn more about Karma, I feel like I'm closer to him.

"A bully." She shook her head, "crazed with power and his title, he thought he was invincible. Cruel manners and anything ruthless. I sometimes tried to make sure Asano wouldn't be allowed in the manor because I despised him. Anything I did to get rid of Asano, Karma would step one stone farther from me." Yuriko explained.

"Would you mind telling me what changed? You're relatively close with your brother now aren't you? I know you send him individual letters to him."

Yuriko bit her bottom lip. She seemed as if the more she went, the deeper she'll dig herself in shame.

"Asano one day, came to the manor on his own accord not for the company of Karma, but for me."

I instantly knew where this was heading and I grew very uncomfortable for asking her continue. Obviously for her she doesn't look like the type to want to share such a horrible experience.

"I was defenseless and young. However, before Asano could do anything Karma had appeared and to my rescue. Asano swayed Karma and he knew what was going on, but instead of banishing Asano from the manor, he looked away. Instead Karma just started to protect me from the shadows. He could never truly sever his ties with him."

"He's changed." I spoke. "You must of heard from the trial."

"Yes and I'm very pleased with the decisions. But it's also because he was able to meet you again." Yuriko flashed a smile. "I don't know if it was the King's spirit within him that drew the good out, but it worked." She cupped my hand and held it delicately. "I must thank you, my Queen." She bowed her head, resting it on my hands she was holding.

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