114 | S2: Free Soul

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After washing up, Karma headed to my chamber room first. Before I returned to my room to turn in for the night, I stoped by the guest room to check up on Aika.

"My apologies, I would like to talk if you would allow me to come in." I wondered while she opened the door wide.

"Ah, yes. I don't mind." She gleamed while letting me.

I sat down on the red-silk arm chair while she sat on the edge of the bed in her white nightgown. Breathtakingly wholesome, I couldn't help but to blush.

"Did you enjoy this evenings dinner?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. It was a pleasant meal with all of you." She nodded her head with a slight giggle, "entertaining if I were to be honest."

Aika stared out the window and then glanced down at her hands that were laying on her lap.

"I've been thinking Nagisa." She began.

"Yes? What's on your mind if you don't mind me asking?" I leaned in.

"I don't know if I can overcome this adversity. I've been telling myself daily, every minute, and every second to move on. But I'm afraid that if I move on, I will surely leave Mamoru behind for good. I don't want to leave him." Aika folded her hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Then what you said during dinner was not your honest truth?" I asked softly, willing to hear her out.

"The part where I said that I will never forget Mamoru was my truth, but living life as if his death never happened, living for myself, I don't think I can really do it. Move on." Aika bit her lower lip and covered her face out of embarrassment.

I got up from my seat and sat next her, patting her back trying to comfort her as much as I was able to.

"It's silly of me." She commented, "Mamoru must be disappointed at me for being like this." She sniffled, "I don't think I can get over my love for him."

"We just have to be honest about our true feelings and if that's how you really feel, then it's alright." I spoke, "Mamoru was my dear brother and he was your lover. Maybe I should be the one in your shoes, it's rather troubling that I am okay."

"One thing for sure is that I will burden this alone. I must because I am living. You have so much to worry about Nagisa. You are the Queen and you have your duties. Even though I am breaking down because of this, let me carry your load as the selfish woman I am."

Aika wiped her tears away and wrapped her arms around me, "maybe I'll find some guidance by going to church again. Ever since I've been helping out my father, I haven't paid my visits."

"I hope you'll find the answers you're looking for. It all takes time, remember to go at your own pace." I reminded her.

"Thank you Nagisa for listening to me. I could never face your father alone if I had to. You're so kind. That was what your brother loved that the most about you. Even though you possess the crescent birthmark, you put others over yourself."

Aika inched back and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"You have a similar scent Nagisa." She spoke, "may I stay like this for a bit longer?"

I looked over to Aika and she laid her head with her eyes closed. With delicate breaths, she seemed more at ease.
Back at my chamber door, Karma was a bit disappointed that I left him alone for quite awhile. At first, he gave me the silent treatment by wrapping himself under the covers while balled up on the bed.

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