76 | Ballroom Dance

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The birds chirped when I opened my eyes, however I was not where I was supposed to be. Instead I woke up next to a woman. Her black hair laying on the bed sheets the contrast of the white and the black, she laid asleep. I set up straight on the bed and touched her shoulder, pale but with a peach tart-tone.

"My, it's been awhile." I said. "Yua, how are you?"

Before she opened her eyes, I realized that I was brought back in time. Outside the buildings, the towers, and the people were unfamiliar.

When she did open her them, I saw the shadow of what was once happiness in them. She touched my face and smile brightly.

"I've been waiting for your arrival." She spoke, "Are you better my dear child?" She hung her slim arms around mine and pulled me downwards.

I laid on the cream-frilled pillow on my side, while she did the same, facing me.

"Is there a reason why I'm here? This dream?" I asked.

She gaze into my eyes and waited for herself to answer. I watched as she fluttered her eyelashes and slowly breathed in.

"Talk to me." I inched in closer, but she faded from my sight and I was alone in the bed. One thing for sure is this isn't Yua's room but it is Magnolia Landing.

I got out of bed and found myself naked beneath the covers. Well. I didn't expect this.

I pinched my skin and it didn't help to wake me up.

"Hey! Yua where did you go?"

I was spooked suddenly when the doors slammed opened, leaving me at awe when a tall boy with short black curly hair. His clothes were common with dark grey shorts and a white shirt.

"Hello?" I spoke.

He didn't look up, he kept rummaging around the room, opening the wardrobe, and looking under the bed. I forgot that this is just a figment of my imagination, Yua's memories.

"Found me!"

A voice added to the ruckus and a little girl popped out from beneath the desk. She giggled adorably and jumped into the boys arm with a brown book in her grasp.

What I was watching was Yua and Kuro together. It has to be him, there's no doubt about it when he was the only one there for her at a young age.

"Come on now, let's eat breakfast." He held her hand and escorted her out of the room.

While I was about to get out of bed myself, an odd presence made me retreat back a little. Kuro suddenly stopped at the frame of the door and waited for something.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Yua's shadow showed her tugging at his sleeve.

"Oh, nothing. I thought I just heard something. Let's go."

They continued out and I could no longer hear them.
What was that? Did he sense me just now? That's highly unlikely but I felt troubled.

When I slipped out of bed, clothes appeared on my body. This is bizarre alright, but wouldn't it be cool if clothes could just do that?
When I woke up, Nagisa was in such a deep sleep, no matter what I did he didn't wake up.

For the past 10 minutes, I've been poking at his cheek, pinching his arm, and even helped him release some stress. The only thing I got out of that was having to clean up afterwards.

"Wake up Nagisa. At this rate, we'll miss breakfast." I laid back down and snuggled close. "But I don't mind this either. It's warm."

I wonder if it's those dreams. I know that Nagisa gets them more often than I do, see Yua more than I see Roka.


"Ugh, such a drag honestly." I didn't budge despite someone at the door. It's possibly the maids, servants, or even Karasuma. That doesn't matter though, I'll stay with Nagisa until he wakes up.
When I walked down the halls and into the kitchen, Yua and Kuro were eating at the brown table in the center. A woman in a cherry apron was at the stove cooking, along with a man sitting next to Yua.

Everything about this was homey and comfortable. I wonder how she smiles without care when she lost her direct family. I guess wounds can heal, but at her age? I find it remarkable.
But at what cost does that smile retain in this house? Because she's one of the two remaining nobles that survived the Massacre, it's obvious that she can't leave this place. These walls that confine her world in a small room, where even going outside in the yard was risky.

I felt like I didn't have the right to watch this at all. I'm not sure of the actually reason, maybe it's because I pity her. That's it. I don't have the right to watch this beautiful gathering because of the pity.

I walked through the walls unexpectedly without needing to go through the front door. Instead of walking out to the front of the house, I was standing before the main gate of palace.

"Seize her!"

I turned around and saw a unit of knights rushing towards a woman. With the quiver on her back and bow aimed at them, I knew right away that this was Yua during the downfall of King Kirai's reign.

One by one, she took down multiple men but she was terribly overwhelmed from all sides.
Even the men coming from behind raised their swords as she was distracted with the knights attacking from the front.


My voice slipped out in the midst of the chaos, despite the fact that she can't hear me at all.


Bodies toppled over and there stood a swordsman. Roka. He kicked over the bodies and winked at Yua who was stunned by the extra member to the hunt.

"Why is a lady like yourself making a mess before I arrived?" He questioned, "surely you don't think you can manage on your own?" He teased.

"Stay out of my business." She reached for an arrow while talking to him.

He raised his sword.
"Calm down now. We're on the same side." He smiled. "You must be a survivor then. Just like me."

"Survivor? That has nothing to do with it." She dropped her arms to her side, "even if I were a middle class woman, a peasant, nobody, I would still stand here and take down the King." She spoke.

He chuckled to himself and nodded his head.

"Just like me." He repeated, "well then, care for a dance on the pearl white floors of the King who slain our family?" He reached out his hand.

She turned and faced the gate.

"Just to let you know, I haven't practiced my ballroom dancing at all." She smiled as Roka walked towards her.

Roka placed his hand on her shoulder and nodded his head.

"Then if you would allow me, I'll lead."

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