41 | Bloody Dawn

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That night when Karma came back to the palace, he was instantly called to meet with the current Crowns. He looked very antsy and uncomfortable that he found it an honor to speak with them, but also intimidating.

"Your presence is vital as well." Irina faced me as she herself, was out of the ordinary. She seemed riled up but, also tiresome from the long day.

"It's best if you come along." Karma agreed.

"B-but." My lack of confidence to show myself in front of the current Crowns got the best of me. It's quite pitiful actually, that it became like so. However, I can't act like this forever, it will tarnish the values I stand for. I can't bring myself to do it especially when people like them, are so dedicated.

Karma placed his hand on my shoulder with his gentleness and with a relaxed expression, calmed me down. I nodded my heads at both Irina and Karasuma, that gave me a slight push of luck.

"I'll be there with you." He assured with a soothing tone.
Surely, I took his word for it.
Instead of a formal meet at the thrown, Karma and I joined the current Crowns during late supper. Rather than the usual dining hall, we were taken to the terrace on the other side of the palace. This area was dedicated to the crowns especially when the new borns would come about later on.

I felt extremely nervous and overwhelmed by the fact that for the first time, I stood before the crowns like this. They are people like us with the same souls of the reincarnated monarchs. This felt powerfully too chilling.

Before we sat down, they greeted us with care. Though I felt fairly intimidated, their respect towards us was uncanny. For instance, they shook our hands, and then embraced us?
I didn't get it at all. Why would they hug us like this? Was it because we possess them? Or are they straight out friendly people?

These current Crowns were advanced well in their age. The aged wrinkles and slow movements, fragile hands, and sunken cheeks. They didn't look like ghost, but more ancient than I remembered.
Then again, the last I saw of them was at my youngest. My marriage meeting with Karma back then, in which we saw him with a glance.

But now they seem to perk around the age of their late 60s and early 70s. Time is drawing near but, they are still managing finely and leading greatly.

Eventually we sat down at the table without a fuss. I could sense it from Karma's body language that we was tense as well. But what was odd to me was that there was two extra dining chairs aside from us on the terrace.

"Regarding the havoc amongst the kingdom, I've met with the Gaijins and they said they would assist us here on out. I don't know the route of it all but, we presume it maybe the rebel group of sorts, bandits, or just heartless people." The King spoke.

"I've been wondering myself if the ambush relating to Nagisa's family was also connected. Everything happened one after the other." Karma explained.

"You are correct my child." The Queen agreed, taking a sip of her ruby red wine. "It's far much more than a simple insurgence of sorts. I find it that your brother is well?"

The Queen looked over at me and I flinched from the recognition. I nodded my head forward.

"Nothing life threatening. Thank you for your concern." I looked back up and she tenderly smiled.

"I'm glad." She replied.

"I'll have Karasuma and the knights continue to investigate. Until then, I hope that all of us can fix this predicament together and quickly as possible." The king's voice echoed without the intimidation I thought he would have.

"My my, and I thought that they would visit." The Queen causally took a turn on the conversation and glanced over at the two empty seats.

"Whatever do you mean?" Karma questioned.

"Why the Original Crowns of course." She replied and made a sadden expression, "this must be truly grave if they don't show up at times like this."

"Maybe it's a sign." The King confidently spoke as he ate his dinner. "We haven't been seeing much of them these past months. Maybe our time is drawing near."

His troubling last words left us sympathetic but, a tad but concerned of the future ahead. He is right. Our time to take the thrones will be really soon and when that time comes, this kingdom belongs to Karma and I.

"You look frightened my dear." The Queen exposed me and lightly giggled. "Have no fear, I have faith." She comforted me and then looked over at Karma who was grateful.

"May I ask something rather personal?" I gestured towards the current Queen once more and she was happy for the acknowledgement.

"Speak dear." She replied.

For a long time now, I've always wondered about the perspectives of the current crowns, especially when it came to this...curse of sorts. How do they do it? Is it love to them, or a simple act that transformed into it? Has it always been our love, or does that concept not even exist?

"Excuse myself, I seem to have no way of putting words together at the moment." I stoped myself short and realized such topic would be very sensitive. But even so, no matter how many times I tell myself that it is my love, this soul also belongs to the original Queen Yua, I cannot tell for sure. If this mind, this heart, this body, is mine alone.

Karma looked frustrated at the fact that I was growing weak-minded. Instead he spoke in my place.

"Nagisa and I have been troubling over the fact, of this reincarnation. May we ask, how you both manage?"

I didn't think Karma would help in such a thing, but just knowing that Karma helped, gives me ease.

"For years and years to come. No one will ever know what is truly ours, in spirit. It's been a concern of many, ones before us. It's normal for both of you to question it." The King began. "You both are a special case. Not one ever to have existed. Two men? A first to ever conceive. Mind that, when you were both born and we heard the news that two Kings were born, we thought to ourselves, that tradition has broken."

The Queen nodded her head in agreement.

"The kingdom has always been peaceful during our reign. Not to say that your birth brought bad omens, but as you can see, the Kingdom is unstable." She explained.

"I don't know what to tell you both. If it is what you want, it is what you'll get. You don't have to believe in what you know for yourself. As long as you desire it, your mind is your own. Think of the original Queen and King as spiritual guidance, that has tied the red string of fate to your fingers." The King added and affectionately caught the eyes of the Queen.

They both looked lovingly at each other. Even Karma's glance met mine and I could understand just a little more.
I truly hope that one day, I can take on the world, loving every piece of me.

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