CHAPTER 43 : The One He Loves

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Archid is seething on his throne when one of his men reported that the Consort of Lotus wasn't found yet. Lady Amanda was missing ever since the incident with the Crown prince and little prince happened.

The day that he went out of the dungeon after punishing the governess he immediately orders his men to bring her to him but when they went back they told him that the Lady of Lotus is nowhere to be found. Someone might told her what happened to the princes residence that's why she fled.

He already sends Gerard to her family home to tell them what their miss had done inside the palace and to investigate if they were hiding her from them, but Gerard just came back and told him that he didn't find her there.

He didn't expect that Amanda was able to betray him like this. He thought that her tricks are for the one that she hates he didn't see that this woman had another motive. He thought by giving her a loose rein will also benefit him and it won't harm his own family but that's where he was wrong and he paid a great prize for it, His own son. He was an idiot to be blinded by her charms. He needs to find her to give her a proper punishment for what she did to his son and nephew.

"The Duke of Lynnville seems like he didn't know anything about the Consort where about. He even promise us their full cooperation regarding this matter," he heard Gerard said.

Archid throws the glass that he's been holding because of anger. He was mad and ashamed of himself. He was played by a vile woman. This is all his fault he can't blame anyone but himself. He did it to himself, his family to his son. This will never happen again he will take his own life if this happens again.

Everyone in the room was silent they can feel the cold and dark aura that surrounds their King. He's been like this since the Consort of Lotus escaped. They can feel the killing intent that is radiating from the King since that day. Everyone is scared, their all holding their breaths not daring to breathe at all. Heads are all bowed not daring to look at the King's eyes. When the door from the throne room open and a black hair blue eyed Crown Prince went inside the room.

"Father are you not done yet?" The boy from the door asks hesitantly when he saw the look at his father eyes. He stilled on his spot never averting his gaze from him waiting for the King to acknowledge him.

The King instantly relax when he heard his son's voice. He felt proud when he saw him standing there staring at him while waiting for his response. This child really listens well he didn't waste any knowledge and advice that he thought him in a small span of time. He knows he is still a child, but after what happened he needs to teach him who he is and what he is.

"You are a Crown Prince and you will be a King. Never bow to anyone just to your King out of respect. Show them that you can hold your ground even in my presence show them who you are, do not yield with anyone," Archid remembered that those are the exact words that his father had told him when he was young and he told the same thing to his own son.

"Yes, I am done here. Are you ready?" Archid told his son and walk through the long aisle and met his son at the door. He nods at him and father and son left the room. Everyone who was in the room let out a relieved sigh. They must find that Consort or they will suffer every time the King will ask them about her. The soldiers thought to themselves.

Syl never saw the princes ever since the King and Prince Nick decided to keep their son on their own palaces. They decided to give the children a break. But they told him that he will still be their guardian when the princes are ready to go back to their residence. That's why for the meantime he was back to his dealing outside the palace and his medicine making, his also busy on making some improvise medical tools that he can use in the future.

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