Tending To Wounds

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*the <> are like stage directions, they're things that are happening that are unknown to the characters*

I whimpered as I shifted in bed, accidentally putting weight on my ribs. I had to bite my pillow to suppress the screams of pain. It hurt like a bitch! I couldn't even breathe without wincing in extreme pain. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck! Just fucking great.

I slid off the bed, and grabbed some clothes before stumbling to the bathroom. I washed my face, wincing at the pain of even touching my face. I rubbed off as much of the dried blood as I could without making it bleed again.

I pulled on a baggy shirt and some harem pants. Harem pants were my new favorite thing-they were loose, comfortable, and didn't rub against my bruised thighs or waist at all. Perfect for me.

I frowned at my reflection. Before all this I was ugly, but now I was all bruised and even worse than before. I had to buy cover-up just to hide the bruises.

I sighed and started dabbing my forehead, mixing the makeup in until the bruise on my forehead was barely visible. It was the best I could do. I didn't even bother trying with the left side of my forehead, this makeup would do nothing to cover up the wound from the fucking rock.

I moved on to my eye. This would be easier, because when I put my black eyeshadow on the bruise was hardly distinguishable from the makeup. Only if you looked in closer would you see the purple and green under the shadows.

My busted nose wasn't worth covering up - it wouldn't work anyways. I put Chapstick on, frowning at the slice in my lip. I couldn't cover that up either. I put on the scarf, wrapping it around my neck until those bruises were gone too. Finally, I applied the coverup to my jaw, brushing over the black and blue bruise there.

I pulled on my arm gloves, and then I was done. I unlocked the door and stepped out, peeking around.

I didn't see Janey anywhere. She was probably at work. I walked off the bus and started to go towards the tent.

Then I saw Ronnie beside the merch tent, talking to Janey and shaking hands with fans. Fuck! I started to turn around, but Janey met my eye. I shook my head and waved my hands, desperately asking her to keep quiet, but it was too late.

She nudged Ronnie and he looked up. I stepped back, trying to hide, but he had already seen me. I felt trapped under his gaze, staring into his beautiful face.

I pulled my eyes away, turning and fleeing from him. But I knew he would catch up easily. I used to give him a run for his money, but now, now I was weak and brittle. Like a little old lady compared to him. I felt his hand on my wrist, and he gripped it somewhat hard, turning me around.

<cameras click>

"Ry, come on, don't run away. I'm sorry for kissing you before, ok?" Ronnie said, looking down at me with such puppy-dog eyes.

"It's, uh, fine" I mumbled nervously, tugging my arm from him. "I actually, uh, have to work" I said, trying to get away. "Yeah, you kinda missed yesterday's woke" Ronnie said, looking at me, obviously wanting me to explain.

"Yeah sorry, I got kinda messed up and crashed, and I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call to tell you, I'm sorry" I said raspily, my throat itching.

"You okay?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Hmm, uh, yeah, but, I should probably, err, go" I mumbled, trying to pull away from him again.

And again, it didn't work. I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to get away.

"Hey, Ryker, I mean, I said I was sorry for kissing you, alright? Can you just talk to me, please? What happened to us? We used to be, well, us, and now we're not. Why? What happened?" he asked, holding me in place.

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