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**ugh Ronnie's eyes are so beautiful**

Ronnie hugged me back tenderly, surprised. First I had kissed him, and then I had hugged him randomly, without even having had a flashback or episode. It must have seemed strange to him - it was strange to me.

I pulled away and bit my lip, embarrassed. Ronnie cleared his throat and got up.

"Right well, we better get ready then" he said, and then he walked out of the room. I sat there for a while, absorbing everything that had happened.

I was shocked, excited, and freaked out. I had kissed him, no! I had, I had fucking made out with Ronnie fucking Radke!

This was-oh my fuck, what had happened? I didn't regret this at all, but it scared me. How long would I let myself to do this? This was getting incredibly out of control, how long would I do this before giving myself the fucking truth and losing it all?

I stood up, and with shaky legs, made my way to the middle part of the bus. I walked into the TV and couch room, and everyone fell silent, looking over at me.

Ryan gave me a smile, and Jacky grinned. "Welcome back to the fun bus" Ryan said, holding an arm out to me. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to them.

"Apparently there's gonna be an exclusive story about Ronnie" Ron said, sitting forward.

"Everybody just can't stop talking about me" Ronnie said, walking in and sitting next to me. He casually stretched out like nothing was going on, putting his arm on the couch and stretching his legs out.

His arm brushed against my neck, his leg rested against mine, and I was freaking out. I bit my lip and tried to ignore it, focusing on the commercials.

"What do you think it will be? About how I'm doing drugs again? Or the scandal at the club way back when. Or maybe it's a story about how Ryker is using me for fame, the little bitch" Ronnie said, smirking at me.

I giggled a bit, rolling my eyes at the fact that his ideas could very well be this news story.

"Is the press really so out of ideas that they have to focus on an asshole rockstar and his bitchy merch girl?" I asked, scoffing at the world now-a-days. When did everything get so fucked up?

"Oh baby, were famous" Ronnie joked, puffing his chest out.

"Oh yes, we're just such wonderful people, the world just has to focus on us" I bragged, flipping my hair. The guys all looked at me, surprised.

"What?" I asked, embarrassed.

"It's just, you seem back, back to you" Ryan said, looking at me curiously. Oh. I suppose it had been a whole since I had laughed, since I had joked, since I had smiled.

It was kind of sad that they were confused because I was acting happy, it had been so long since I'd been happy.

I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I saw that it was the same women who had been covering my 'story', from leaving prison to 'using Ronnie for fame'. I was really started to hate this woman.

She got on my nerves way too much. Then I saw the headline, and I gasped. Oh no, this was all my fault! I hadn't been careful enough! And now, and now this was happening!

I felt Ronnie stiffen beside me, and I leaned forward. Oh no, oh no, oh fucking no! The headline read 'Ronnie Radke back to his old ways?'.

"Well here it is, what you've all been waiting for, the juicy exclusive about the relationship between Ronnie Radke and Ryker Mathews. I'm sure you've all heard the rumors, but today, the truth comes out.

We've had an undercover photographer watch the couple closely, and what he's witnessed, and shown through his pictures, is the truth coming out.

Radke was accused by his ex-girlfriend of abuse, and now these pictures just confirm the truth. Ronald Radke is back to his old ways, abusing his newest girlfriend, Ryker.

We urge parents to make their children leave the room so that they don't see these pictures, as they are disturbing and downright sad. Ryker and Ronnie are rumored to have been dating since she first arrived at warped tour, almost 2 months ago.

At first everything seemed fine, they looked like the perfect couple. Then, a few weeks later, they seem to have broken up, and Ronnie had a fling with model and actress Daisy Johnson.

This lasted for a few weeks, before ending abruptly, without explanation. Daisy was unable to be reached for comment, but her agent promises that she will do an interview on it tomorrow.

Ronnie and Ryker picked back up where they left off, and that's when it started becoming obvious that he was abusing her" the news-reporter said, before a slideshow of pictures started.

Pictures of me, pictures of Ronnie and I, pictures that showed what I had been trying to hide for years.

They had somehow gotten pictures of me walking from the forest, and pictures of Ronnie and I talking. There was pictures of Ronnie holding my wrist and my face looking pained. Pictures of him yelling at me, pictures of him dragging me to the bus.

Pictures of my bruises, and probably the most disturbing, pictures of Ronnie and I in his bus' bathroom. His arms were braced around me and I looked terrified. The way they showed it, it did look like he was abusing me!

They didn't understand, it wasn't like that! It-it, what have I done? What have I done.

At this point Ryan turned the TV off. J looked over at Ronnie, scared, and he clenched his jaw and stood up. "DAMNIT!" he yelled, stalking off into his room.

"Ronnie-" I started, but I gave up, not wanting to push him. "Fuck" I said, brushing my hand through my hair. This, this was all my fault! If I had been more careful, this wouldn't have happened! Fuck!

I ran out of the bus, hyperventilating, desperate to find someplace safe, someplace to hide.

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