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We walked to the coffee shop like old times, all previous troubles behind us. Joking around and laughing as we walked, it felt like everything was right again. We were back to our comfortable flirting, and nothing seemed to be bad or sour between us.

When we neared the coffee shop, I noticed a hooded figure across the street keeping pace with us. If he were on this side, he would be right next to us. I tried to brush it off as nothing, but I couldn't shake the eeriness I felt. My skin crawled, and I just knew that whoever it was, he was watching me.

I tried to avoid looking straight at them, and instead glanced in my peripheral to check if they were still there. They were. At this point I was getting worried; they had kept pace with us, step for step for nearly 3 blocks ago, it didn't seem coincidental at all. Whoever they were, they were following us-me.

When we walked in to shop, I quickly whipped my head to face them, only to find them gone. As if they had disappeared into thin air...

As Ronnie laughed, I sipped my mocha carefully, routinely smelling it and checking to see if it looked any different than it was before. I tried to pay attention to what Ronnie was saying, but my skin was crawling and I jumped every time I heard the door jingle.

About twenty minutes after we got our drinks, I caught sight of them again. I quickly looked over and saw them disappear into the streets, the door noisily slamming jingling behind them. They didn't even try to mask it; they seemed to be out to scare me.

I downed the rest of my drink and then Ronnie and I got up. He insisted on paying, and then we walked back to the club parking lot to collect the others and go home.

At about 1 am, the guys started stumbling out of the club. By 2 we had gathered everyone up and led them to the cars. Some were totally plastered, and others were only slightly buzzed. Ronnie and I helped Max to the car, and I say in the back with Max in case he needed help.

On the drive home, Ronnie would glance back in the mirror and smile at me every once in a while. It seemed that everything was back to normal, whatever had been problematic earlier was now resolved I guess. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but it was nice to know that it seemed to have passed.

I was on my way into the bus when I felt it. The hurling feeling bubbling up in my gut. I covered my mouth with my hand as the my back started bending over to prepare. I ran off a ways to a wild wheat field that turned into a forest a bit farther away.

Starting to hurl, the contents of my semi-digested dinner mixed with bile came back up. I rested my hands on my knees as it kept coming up. Then, my stomach was empty and I was dry-heaving painfully. What the hell? What happened?

Finally, it seemed to be over, so I stood up. And that's when I noticed it: the feeling that someone was watching me. My skin crawled, all too familiar, and I had a nagging feeling that it was the same person from before. I whipped my head around fearfully and started slowly walking backwards.

I took a deep breath as I heard the sound of wheat being crushed underneath shoes. The crunch only peaked my horror.

I opened my mouth up wide and let out a scream. "HELP! RONNIE!" I screamed, and then I saw them. I guessed it was a guy by the way they stood, and they were approaching me fast. I screamed again, and that's when they leaped at me.

He grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back. I thrashed and moved, but I couldn't get free. "RONNIE!" I screamed again, and they stuffed a cloth in my mouth.

They kicked the back of my legs, and then tied the cloth around my head when I was temporarily handicapped.

"RYKER? RYKER WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard a voice scream in the distance. At this, the guy started walking backwards, dragging me into the wheat field. I yelped and struggled, but there was something weird about the cloth, it had a pungent smell that was slinking into my nose and pouring down my throat. I felt my energy draining. Oh shit, it's chloroform or something.

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