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I sat in the meadow, leaning against a tree. I wasn't very surprised that He hadn't shown up - again - but I was feeling very nervous and restless.

I was scared, I hadn't seen him in days, why wasn't He here? Why wasn't He coming? I just couldn't understand why this was happening. First, He doesn't show up for days, and now the world thinks Ronnie Radke is abusing me.

The sun was up, but I still stayed in the forest, not wanting to return to warped. When I had run from the bus, the people outside had stared at me, some concerned, others angry.

They thought it was all my fault that their idol was once again being accused of abuse.

I was the last person who wanted people to think that he was abusing me! I loved him, and I hated that people thought he was the kind of person to abuse his girlfriends!

And besides, I wasn't even his girlfriend! I mean we had only kissed twice, counting the 2 second one from a long time ago.

I ran into away to avoid all the questioning looks and angry glares. I was beyond scared, I was terrified. What would come of this? I'm sure this story would draw Him back to me, and he would be very angry if he heard that Ronnie and I were 'dating', even though it wasn't true.

He might hurt Ronnie! Oh, oh no,no no no no no I have to do something, I can't let anything bad happen to Ronnie.

I got up and brushed my pants off, not sure of what I was going to do. But I had to do something, I couldn't just sit around and wait for shit to happen, I had to do something! I started walking back to warped, my purpose driving me to walk faster.

I did my best to ignore the stares as I walked through the crowd, trying to get to the Falling In Reverse bus. I had to talk to Ronnie. My heart started racing, my panic rising, when I saw the reporters crowded around the bus.

I was going to try and go to the Escape The Fate bus instead, and find Max, even though that meant that I might run into Craig, but the reporters saw me before I could run away. They started rushing over, and I felt like I was going to pass out, my anxiety levels way above the safe zone.

I was immediately bombarded with questions, microphones shoved in my face, and I was surrounded with no way out.

Their voices clogged my brain, whirling around in my head. "We're live! There she is! Ryker, can you tell us about your relationship with Ronnie"

"Can you confirm that the rumors are true?"

"How does it feel to be abused by a rockstar?"

"Why do you put up with it?"

"Why do you think he hurts you?"

Not one of them asked me to confirm that the rumors were false. I started breathing heavily, my eyes darting around desperately for a way out. I could only see fake smiles and faces, cameras and microphones all huddled around me.

Then I felt hands on me, and someone pulled up my shirt.

"Take a look at this!" someone yelled, and the cameras were rolling on my exposed midsection, no doubt capturing the bruises and gashes on my stomach and back.

I screamed and pulled away from the prying hands, pulling my shirt back down.

"RONNIE IS A GREAT GUY, HE HAS NEVER LAID A HAND ON ME VIOLENTLY! HE WOULD NEVER HURT ME, AND YOU NEED TO STOP FUCKING TRYING TO BRING HIM DOWN! NOW GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, trying to shove myself through the reporters and crewmen. Where was the way out?

Suddenly I felt a hand on me, and I turned out to pull away but I saw that it was Jacky and I clung to him and let him carry me through the crowd.

"Don't touch her!" Jacky yelled at people as he held me up, bridal style. Ryan and Ron pushed their way through, and Jacky held me behind them, getting me out and pulling me onto the bus.

"Thanks" I whispered, overwhelmed. I fell onto the couch and tried to catch my breath and calm my racing heart.

"Where's Ronnie?" I asked, fanning my face. Ryan brought me a glass of water, and I downed it, sending him a grateful look.

"Max managed sneak Ronnie away before so many reporters arrived. They've been here all night, waiting for you to come back and Ronnie to come out" Ron told me, and I sighed in relief. At least Ronnie didn't have to deal with all these shitty reporters. Did they really have no life that they had to ruin other people's lives in order to feel accomplished? It was disgusting.

I needed to find Ronnie, but where could I look? For now, I'd just rest for a bit and try to relax. I had to recover from the fear of being surrounded by those reporters, and being glared at, yelled at, and touched.

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