Bonus Chapter 1

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****hey it's taking forever to leave so I'm back with another chapter for my lovelies.
There will be bonus chapters in Ronnie's and maybe others point of view set in the past, when Ronnie is in the hospital and Ryker is still captured. This one will be really short, sorry****

*Ronnie* I was drifting through nothing, memories floating by me. Memories of Ryker flowed by me. Where was she? All I remember is seeing her in the road, the car squealing towards her.

I remember it clearly.

She had been so pretty, even when she was so freshly cut up and bruised. Her cheek was swelling up, and there was a cut across her right eye, making it swell a bit, making her eyes slightly lowered, as if she was in the middle of blinking.

I had been so mad, so upset. Because whoever it was that was hurting her had gotten to her just a few hours before I had found her. They had been here, been in town. I wonder if I had seen them, spoken to them.

And also because the world was back at my throat, making up dirty rumors about how I was abusing Ryker. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what I could do.

A lot of people still believed I had abused my bitch of an ex-girlfriend, and with all the pictures, it really did seem like I was abusing Ryker.

I hate how a picture could be manipulated based on how it was presented. I was helping Ryker, I was trying to find out who was hurting her, I wanted to stop them, I wasn't the one doing it! I was the one trying to stop it!

If I could have two things, it would be for Ryker to be okay, to be safe and happy, away from harm. And the other would be for the world to see me, for who I really am because these looks can be deceiving. The world didn't truly know me, didn't see me, only saw what the media portrayed me as.

She had wandered into the street, upset about something. I think she was horrified that people thought I was abusing her. I think she blamed it on herself, I think she was telling herself that it was her fault the media was covering this story, that she should have been more careful.

It must be terrifying for her secret to be out, although people didn't know who was really abusing her. Only she knew, and she was too scared to tell me, or anyone.

I called out to her, but she didn't hear me. Then, I heard the squealing of tires and I saw a car speeding down the dark street, directly at her.

I screamed at her, and this time she heard, and she looked up, frozen.

Time stopped for a moment, and all that I knew was that I couldn't let Ryker be hit. I couldn't lose her.

I ran so fast I didn't even know I was running until I was next to Ryker and I pushed her out of the way.

I didn't have time to move, but I had known this before I had gone into the street. I was okay with it. I would take the hit, I didn't mind as long as Ryker wasn't hurt.

I felt the car hit me, and I felt my body break and bend from the impact. All I could feel for a moment was blinding, intense pain, and then I felt nothing at all.

Problem was, I saw nothing at all, heard nothing at all either. I didn't know where Ryker was. Had she been saved, or had the driver veered and ran into her too?

I didn't know. I couldn't know. I don't know what to do, I don't know what I can do. I need to know how she is, I need to know if she's okay.

But I couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't feel.

I was gone.

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