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Why hadnt he come? Was this a test? Was he seeing how long I would stay? Was he trying to figure out what to do with me? Was he watching me? I shifted uncomfortably, scared out of my skin.

I stayed there all night, pacing, my mind spinning. What was the reasoning behind this? Was he bored of me? I doubted that, such deep obsession doesn't just go away just like that.

Had he been caught and jailed? I don't think so, such a juicy story would not have avoided an immediate press release. And, no one had believed me then, why would they think it was true now?

So then, had he found another person to obsess over? I really fucking hoped not. Oh god, if that was the case-! But then, I don't think that would happen, but there was a possibility.

I stayed there all night. At this point, I sort of wish he had shown up, because him not showing up was far more scary than him beating the shit out of me. What would happen now?

When the sun rose, I shuffled my way back. It was strange, not to be crippled with new bruises and gashes. It was nice, but scary in itself. Why had he not come?

I hoped he was hurt. I hope some crazy motherfucker beat him to shit.

I hope he was gasping in an alley, bloody and in so much pain that he could hardly breathe. I set my jaw, clenching my teeth and taking a deep breath.

I made it to Warped Tour a lot faster than normal, probably because I wasn't limping or in terrible pain. The pain was still there, but not as much as it would have been if it had been added to.

I rushed through the crowds, and came up to the merch tent. I pushed my way through the fans, and a few grabbed onto me. I shook them off and eventually made it to the tent. I hopped the barricade surrounding it and got behind the counter.

Janey gave me a nod and I started working. I glanced up once to see Ronnie staring, but he turned around and walked away before I could even give him an angry glare.

I was still mad at him. And with Him not coming, my stress levels were even higher.

I just focused on selling the merch, keeping my eyes down, and trying not to look at anyone for too long. Time passed by quick, and soon enough it was time for dinner.

I closed up the tent and started walking towards the woods. I paused as I walked by a stage, peering through the crowd. I could hear the guitars starting up, and I could barely see who it was.

But as soon as I saw them walk out, I knew who it was. His demeanor, I'd recognize it anywhere. Ronnie.

I watched them play for a while, listening to his voice, and the drums, and the guitar and bass. I hadn't seen them play since the first day, actually, I hadn't seen anyone play really.

Warped Tour was almost over and I had only been to 3 shows...I had never expected it to end up like this. How had this all gone to shit? I had been so excited for it, this was supposed to be my summer.

This was supposed to be my time to recover! Not fuck me up even more with all this fucking drama and shit.

I looked up to the sky, seeing the darkness consuming the world, and headed off to the woods. But again, He didn't come. What was going on?

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