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The nurses ran in here and had a fit when they saw Ronnie here. But Hotchner and Morgan came back with Reid and his medical friend, who kindly took me from their crazy grips and brought me to a different hospital.

The nurses are much nicer here. And Reid is working on getting my medical records re-examined and changed. He's fighting on the phone right now, I can hear him arguing in the other room, speaking fast. He's such an amazing person, and very very smart, so if anyone can do it, I'm sure he can. And Hotchner can always help him by intimidating whoever opposes with them. It's nice to think that they care enough to help me. I mean, they're not obliged or required to do anything really, yet there they are, arguing on phones and calling in reinforcements to fix my medical records and change the lies to truths.

I hope it works....

The nurses smile and when they call me darling it doesn't sound forced and bad, it sounds comforting. My favorite nurse is Nurse Tenisha, she's young and sweet and she always pretends she doesn't notice when Ronnie sneaks in after visiting hours are over. She even helped get everyone in here once.

Ronnie and Max brought me some of the fruit snacks, not that Ronnie left much. I didn't mind, I was just glad to be away from the cold nurse, in a place where I could see my friends again.

After a while, Max, Ryan, Jacky and Derek left to get some dinner, and left Ronnie and I alone. My heart was beating fast, I wanted this, whatever it was, to last. I wanted him to look at me this way forever, because I knew I would always feel this way about him. I wanted that twinkle in his eyes to stay there forever. He gave me tornados in my stomach, he made me feel all warm and tingly and nervous and excited and just fucking happy.

He leaned close and pressed his lips against mine, holding my face gently in his hands. He was always trying to be gentle and soft and innocent at first, like he was scared to hurt me. But I just grabbed his shoulders and leaned back, pulling him on top of me until we were both laying on the bed. I knew Tenisha wouldn't be in here to check up on me for another half an hour, so I wasn't worried about being embarrassed by getting caught.

Ronnie laughed a bit at my forcefulness, and he bit my lip gently, sliding a hand down to my neck. I trailed my hands up his neck slowly, stroking his cheek before raking my fingers into his hair. I heard his breath catch a bit, because he knew what I was about to do. I smirked and gripped his hair, listening to his breathing as he waited for me to do it.

I tugged it softly at first, just a little bit, and Ronnie's lips got faster against mine, rougher. I pulled again, and he pressed against me more. My heart was beating so fast I thought that the nurses might think I was having a heart attack. Ronnie smirked, and I grunted, pulling his hair more.

That was the problem with making out with Ronnie while I was in the hospital; the machines betrayed me. He heard every beat of my heart clearly, so when he kissed me he could hear how crazy my heart went, beating fast and erratically. I know he loved to hear how much of an affect he had on me.

I could hardly hear Reid outside my room over the sound of my heart monitor. But I knew he was still on the phone, still arguing with the person who handled medical records.

After a while Ronnie pulled away and sat back down on the chair, but he would smirk up at me every once in a while, and my heart would skip a beat. Tenisha came in when we were sitting innocently enough, but the smile on her face told me she knew what had happened. I blushed as she checked my wounds and gave me my dinner.

As I ate, giving Ronnie the hello and packet of fruit snacks (that I had secretly asked for when Ronnie was gone so that Ronnie would have something nice to eat while he stayed with me), I thought of what was happening outside my door. There were people who were planning to catch and put Him away, that were planning to help me through it all, that were planning to fix my life after He ruined it.

Its kind of strange to me that Hotchner and the others believe me. It feels weird to finally have someone believe me. After all these years of thinking that no one cared, finally someone had come along who had listened and believed me.

The only bad thing about that was that I had to face Him again. If no one cared I could just leave Him for dead in the pit. But now I have to go back with Hotchner and the others to let Him out so He could go to jail.

I had to go tomorrow, in a few hours. Hotchner agreed to let Ronnie come, but the others had to stay behind. I understood, and I didn't want them to see me go mad, like I knew I would as soon as I stepped foot in that forest again. But Ronnie, I needed Ronnie.

I held his hand tighter, and he smiled up at me sleepily. He was laying his head in my lap, his arms sprawled across my bed. It was around 2 am, and Ronnie had snuck in and stayed up with me. He knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, but I told him he should sleep. Finally, he gave in and fell asleep.

I looked down at him, smiling, watching his chest rise and fall. I took in every detail of him. I took in his lips, slightly parted, blowing his hair upwards every time he exhaled. I just looked at him in awe. He was so god damn magnificent, so gorgeous, so fucking beautiful.

It had been 2 weeks since he had come out of the coma, and he was officially released from the hospital 5 days ago.

He spent those five days in my room with me, helping me go to the bathroom and waiting outside the door so that he could help me back to bed when I was done, helping me stretch my muscles, helping me through my many flashbacks, helping me, just helping me. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Without him, I don't think, no, I know that I wouldn't be alive right now.

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