Warped Tour

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I've got a long Falling In Reverse shirt, black ripped skinnies, and a pleather vest with my combat boots. My makeup is done, purple and black eyeliner and shadow around my eyes. My gloves and wristbands are on, and I'm ready to go.

It's 5 AM, the day of Warped, and I'm catching a bus to the venue.

I take the bus to the next town over, and then I walk to the set, looking at my directions every once in a while.

Not that I need them much, by the time I get close I can see everyone, the buses, the stages, and all the screaming fans. I make my way to the entrance, show them my pass, and then walk into my heaven.

Everything is hectic, but in the best kind of way. Fans are screaming and crying, band members are laughing, taking pictures, and giving out hugs.

Everything is, for once in my life, perfect. I glance around and just take it all in, looking around to see everything and everyone.

Then a young girl runs up to me and screams. "You're the girl from the news!" Pretty soon people crowding me and surrounding me and I'm trapped and I'm frantically looking for a way out and they're trying to touch me and I can feel my heartbeat going crazy, reminding me of bad memories that I've repressed since I got out of jail.

But then the sea of people parts, and someone grabs a hold of my shoulder, pulling me free. I sigh in relief.

"It's weird to be back around so many people, so closely in open space after, isn't it?" I look up at the speaker, shocked.

"Woah, holy shit I didn't know it was you... man this is too much for me to handle right now."

"Just take deep breaths and repeat to yourself, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free. it's over, I'm out," he says, giving me some space. I give him a half smile as I calm down.

"I became an adult in prison, I'm not sure how this works, fuck."

Ronnie only laughs. "Soooo.....how high up am I on the top ten list?" Ronnie asks, smirking.

"The honest truth? I only said your name cause I felt bad for you and your unfortunate looks," I tease, smirking back at him. He laughs, grinning at me.

Then suddenly he leans into me, and I lightly fall into the bus behind me, while he whispers in my ear, "is that so?"

Now, normally I'd have a witty response to that, but he caught me off guard, so I'm not calm and collected. And Ronnie Radke or not, I'm still not comfortable with the close quarters.

"You-you might be number one," I gulp, biting my lip and trying hard not to stare at him.

"Might be?" he teases, his fingers brushing on the back of my hands.

Even though he is definitely having an effect on me, I've had time to get back to normal, so I smirk and slide my hands down his chest, stopping to rest dangerously close to his groin. "Maybe," I purr into his ear and then I walk off.

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