What happened to fun and games?

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When the girl is gone, Ronnie turns to me, like he's waiting for me to explain something. "What, I don't know what just happened any more than you do," I say, slouching in the chair.

I'm still recovering from the memories. Prison was no problem really, but rehab.....rehab is another story.

"Nope, come with me," he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away, asking the other girl to take over for a while. I give her an apologetic look as I'm pulled past her.

He pulls me behind a bus and stands in front of me, effectively blocking me in.

"What's with the shuddering and fear whenever someone comes running up? I know prison was hard at times but I don't think it was that dangerous. So what is it? What....happened to you?" He asks, breathing out. He grabs a strand of my hair and twirls it between his fingers.

His arms are crossed, and I get distracted by the smooth curve of his arms. His hair flops into his face slightly, and his eyes look determined.

This doesn't feel like part of our little game, but I can't help but admit that if it was, he'd be winning right now.

I breathe deeply and look down, thankful for the fact that he probably thinks I'm just freaked out by the memories, rather than because of how close he's standing to me, and how I can feel my skin burning where his body hovers close to me, not touching. His breath tickles my forehead and I shudder.

It isn't fair. It really isn't. It was all fun and games until my heart decided to get involved. This feels like more than a fangirl crush. And whatever it is, it's growing stronger. And I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.

"Tell me," he whispers, still playing with my hair, and still distracting me.

"Huh? No, there's nothing to tell," I choke out. My throat feels as if it's constricting along with the rest of my body. My muscles are paralyzed, my lungs not working properly, and my hearts going erratic.

"Don't lie, I can tell. I can see the way your body tenses up, and your eyes widen in fear. I see it," he breathes out, stepping closer, "you can tell me."

My arm hair stands up, and shivers go down my spine. If I don't get away soon, I don't know what will happen. But nothing good will come of it.

I muster my strength and take a deep breath. I move my arms towards his sides to distract him so he doesn't see my legs prepare to run.

"No," I say forcefully, and push him off with all my strength, running away as fast as I can.

When I stop running, I realize that I'm at the edge of the bus space. In front of me is empty space, filled with fans and tables of bands.

Looking for a secluded spot, I see a tree off to the side. I run to it and climb up to where the branches and leaves hide me from everyone.

Finding a solid branch, I lay across it carefully, leaning against the trunk for support.

What's happening to me?

The Drug In Me (Ronnie Radke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now