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He creeped up to me angrily, kicking my side and screaming at me. "You! You wanted to escape me? Stupid bitch, you think that your so called friends would want you back? Nobody wants you! Especially now that they know how stupid and disgusting you are! You fucking bitch, they all hate you!" He yelled, glaring down at me.

I started crying, tears brimming involuntarily in my eyes. Why would He say that? It couldn't be true? He grinned and pulled something from behind His back, showing it to me. "Just watch, I have proof. They think you ran him over with a car. They think you killed him and ran away. No ones looking for you because they care, the only reason the band is searching for you is so that they can put you in jail for killing their singer!" He told me, pressing play on the screen.

It was an iPad I think, I couldn't really tell. The light burned my eyes, so much brighter than the meek lightbulb swinging from above. There was a news video playing, going into more detail about Ronnie abusing me. It showed footage from when the reporters had surrounded me, video of my bruised abdomen and battered back. Then it showed Jacky carrying me off, and ended with the caption 'Ryker cheating on Ronnie with Jacky?'

Then the screen went blank. I thought it was over so I began to look away, but then another video came up. As soon as I saw the reporter lady from my 'story', I knew it would be bad. She gave a fake smile to the camera and opened her big mouth, ready to spout pristine lies and bullshit.

"Hello, and welcome back to the 3 day special covering the story of Ryker Mathews. Those of you who have been following this story, prepare for the catastrophic conclusion. Those of you who are new, I urge you to watch the previous videos located on before continuing this.

I'm sure you all remember Ryker Mathews, the strange, eccentric punk girl who has captured the media's attention ever since her release from prison. Late last night, she was seen downtown in Toccoa, Georgia with her alleged boyfriend, Ronald Radke, singer in the hard rock band Falling In Reverse. She was last seen walking arm in arm with him. What no one knew, though, was that she was leading him to his possible death.

But before we get into that, I have a surprise for you. After overwhelming evidence, her doctor from the rehabilitation juvenile detention center that Ryker stayed at, has released her medical records. If there's anyone in the world too fucked up to be allowed into society, it's Ryker.

She was recorded as being delusional, delirious, crazed, and prone to violent outbursts. Not only was she severely depressed and suicidal, but she was also manipulative and it was alarmingly evident that she could have narcissistic personality disorder. She was said to cause many problems for the other patients at the facility. She spent most of her time in seclusion, locked away in her own private cell, where her doctor could observe and treat her without the risk of disturbing other patients.

She was found to be a pathological liar, even labeled as a potential schizophrenic who thought she was being raped day after day. She would complain to the nurses about pain from invisible wounds, telling them that she was raped and beaten regularly. She was also labeled as potentially bipolar, with a Borderline Personality Disorder. She sounds like the perfect candidate for a loony bin, if you ask me. She was labeled as a potential for nearly every dangerous mental disorder documented as official in psychology.

It's a wonder she ever got let out into the world with all these alarming psychological problems. She was bound to get in trouble. But the doctors never imagined that she would do something this grave.

Late last night she led Ronald Radke to certain death. She took him to a secluded area, left him in the street, and drove right into him with a car, hitting him and possibly running him over before speeding off and leaving him to bleed out on the pavement. I guess she finally got fed up with his abuse and decided to take it into her own hands and kill him.

The police are currently searching for her. If you see her, call 911 immediately and hide. She is extremely dangerous, and we urge you not to try and approach her. She is a wanted criminal and murderer. No matter how small or weak she may look, she is capable of killing you, and she will try it if she finds you. I repeat, Do Not Approach! That's all for tonight, thank you and goodnight"

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to die. I wanted to rip out my hair, tear myself open and bleed out the horror I was feeling. I wanted all these things and more.

How could this be? How could they, why did they-?

Did they really believe this? Did they really think this?

They, they thought, they thought-they thought that I killed Ronnie.

I was a wanted criminal. I was wanted for murder.

The world, the world-

The world thought that I killed Ronnie

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