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****you're all beautiful and we've come so far with this book, it seems like so many years ago since I first started this, I never imagined that I would get so many of you lovely people thank you so much. I had plans for this but I may just make this entire chapter them making out to make up for having them be interrupted before haha it'll probably shorter than normal****

My heart was going crazy, the monitors beeping loudly. Ronnie smirked against my lips and I blushed, embarrassed. He could hear every erratic beat of my overworked heart, and he knew exactly why it was beating like that. Because of him.

But I didn't care too much, because Ronnie was with me, he was touching my face and kissing me and that's all that fucking mattered.

He straddled me, putting one leg in between mine to stay balanced and letting the other hug the edge of the bed. He had one hand on my hips, holding me steady why he kissed me, and the other hand brushed against my cheek, holding my head.

His lips moved slowly at first, gaining speed and getting faster just like my heart. My hands were lost in his hair, gripping chunks and holding it tightly. I would pull it at random times and smile when he jerked from the movement. His body vibrated, like he was holding back a groan or something. I didn't think about it too much, but it made me smile.

Every part of me that brushed against him shivered and shuddered, and my whole body tingled. I felt cold and warm at the same time, and I wanted nothing more in that moment. Just him.

I loved Ronnie, more and more with each beat of my heart. All he had done for me, I didn't understand it but I appreciated it immensely. Somehow he loved me, and I didn't know why but I was so damn glad that he did. He hadn't left me, he had stuck with me through it all. I didn't understand. But I was happy to have him.

"I-I love you" I mumbled against his lips. I don't know why I did it, and I was a bit embarrassed that I had just blurted it out, but he smiled and said "I love you too Ry"

He loved me.

My heart was ecstatic, and the monitors were happy to blast just how ecstatic it was. I blushed even more, but Ronnie hardly noticed, just kissing me again, harder.

I tugged on his hair again and just like the time we kissed on his bed, his body shivered and a deep vibrating sound came from his throat. But this time, when he licked my lips, I didn't freeze. I went crazy, opening my mouth for him and pulling his hair more, running a hand down to grip his back.

I didn't think it could get any better, that is, until he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I had never willingly let anyone do it, but this was Ronnie we were talking about. Id probably let him do anything honestly.

He slipped his tongue in and my whole body was set aflame with feelings and sensations.

He took me to places I never thought I'd be, he made me feel things I didn't know were possible. He was spectacular, and he made me feel alive and on fire and tingly and just fucking good.

I took his bottom lip between my teeth and held it slightly, tugging his hair again and sliding my hand down his back slowly. I was scared to hurt him, but he didn't seem bothered at all. He just kept vibrating and very quietly letting out deep grumbles.

It sent shivers down my spine.

I guess we got carried away, and someone knocked on the door loudly. Ronnie jerked up and rolled off me into the chair. The person turned out to be my doctor, and he came in with a slightly red face. "Erm, you're going to have to" he said, and I looked at Ronnie and blushed. Had we been too rowdy? Too loud? I didn't understand.

I felt a wetness on my arm and I looked over to see the bandage around my arm soaking up blood.

"When your heart that, it sends blood pumping faster. And some of that blood is being pumped to the artery in your arm which is open right now, so it causes your wound to bleed more" the doctor explained, his face nearly as red as mine.

I gulped, paralyzed with embarrassment, and the doctor unwrapped the bandage and replaced it, clearing his throat awkwardly.

He walked out and I looked over to Ronnie in complete embarrassment. We looked at each others red faces and started laughing at how awkward it had been, and how strange it was.

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